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A/n: the first part is going to be a flashback continued from last chapter.

•A woman screams•

I looked towards the direction of the scream and some guards harassing a woman's shop and hurting the child that tried to stop them. The guard that I spoke with joined in and knocked out the child.

"HEY!" Someone shouted. I looked to the person that shouted. A maiden with (h/c) hair flowing in the wind. She was standing on top of a building holding a sword in her right hand. "Stop with your harassment on Matsumoto village or face my wrath!" The girl smiled evilly.

"Ha! You don't know what your talking about!" Guard #2 spoke.

"N-no! Don't make her mad! That's
(a/n)!" (assassin name) Guard #3 bellowed.

"Eheheh, that's right! And now, you're going to have a bad time." The girl said. 'Hey! That's my line!' I thought. The girl jumped down from the roof and landed perfectly in front of the group of guards. Her smile still plastered on her face, looked up at me and started running. The guards followed her, a chase started, I followed the girl close behind.

"Who are you?" The girl spoke while we were running away from the guards.

"My name is Captain, Captain Ocean." I replied. We continued running, and when I blinked, she was gone.

"Hehehe, see you around!" Her voice echoed through the town. The guards stopped and saw me standing there.

End of flashback

That's all I remember from that day.

(Y/n)'s POV
Ocean just stood there, staring off into space. I finally remembered why he looked so familiar! 'He's that skeleton that I met a year ago! Never thought he would be staying at my place. Although, he is kinda cute.' I thought to my self. Ocean finally snapped back into reality and looked at me.

"You're that girl I met a year ago."

"The one and only!" I smiled and bowed at him. Standing straight up again, I walk out of the room and below deck to the kitchen. Pappy followed me and helped me out.


"TIME FOR DINNER!" Pappy yelled to the others as I set up the table, chairs, silverware, plates, and cups. Pappy came up from the below the deck with the spaghetti. Everyone came to the table and sat wherever. Sans sat next to me on one side, Fuyu and Aki sat across from us, and Pappy sat at the very end. There was chatting and joking, I looked over to Ocean and see he's blushing a deep dark shade of blue.

"You okay Ocean?" I ask getting closer.

"AHHH! I SHIP IT!" Pappy yelled. I remembered what shipping was to him and backed away.

"Well, ahem, since I'm done I will go to bed. Pappy, you are welcomed to stay here until your brother's injuries are healed." With that, I left to my room. My room was through the room Ocean is staying in and a hidden door behind a painting is where my room is.

Ocean's POV
'Isn't that my room?' I thought to myself.

"I'm going to bed too." I say standing and going into the room I'm staying in. I don't see (Y/n) anywhere and get confused. "I swear she walked in here..." I said to myself before laying down and thinking, thinking about (Y/n).

YAY!! Chapter! So you guys deserve to know the REAL reason on why I wasn't updating. The real reason is because I got into a car accident. This is how it happened:

I was getting ready to go down my driveway and wait for the bus with my brother. As we were waiting, my brother was playing a game, on the game he got something really rare so e got excited. I was excited too, mostly because I was going to take a tour around the High school. When the time came for us to go and wait for the bus, we headed out and walked to the end of the driveway. Two minutes later, the bus finally comes. Me being me, I look at the cars behind the bus to make sure they slow down. There were no cars except for one red van in the distance. The bus is pulling to a stop, the van is SPEEDING closer. I think to myself, 'That van better slow down.' About three quarters away, 'That car isn't going to stop.' Halfway from the bus I yelled to my brother as he was boarding the bus to STOP. Thankfully he stopped. That's when the van crashed into the bus. When the bus got hit, it lifted off the ground and moved one inch. My brother jumped out of the bus when it came to a stop. I ran onto the bus to make sure everyone is okay. No one got seriously injured. I told one of my friends that was one to watch my stuff as I go and check the driver of the van. The driver was okay, just unconscious. I go to my brother to see if he is alright. He only got bruised. I, on the other hand, got glass stuck in my boots. One minute later, a police car shows up and calls an ambulance. My father comes down the driveway in his car and stops to see the scene. (My dad was on his way to work.) A couple minutes later the ambulance shows along with a fire truck. I soon found out the person driving the van was speeding from one town through the next, and probably had terrible breaks, so she didn't stop in time. The old lady is okay, she only had a broken collarbone and leg. The lady looked as if she was in her 40's, but I don't know. So yeah, that all happened on Friday morning of April 6th, 2017.

There's a vid I took. I'm not making this up. 😭

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