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Your POV
After a couple of minutes of running, we finally made it to the glade.

"What is this place?" Ocean asked.

"This is my secret glade, Lilia Glade."

"Heh, I see why it's a secret. Why did you bring me then?" Ocean questioned.

"Eh, mm-mm. I can't tell you, you have to find out for yourself! Yay!" I say the last part as I jump into the water. Bubbles surrounded me and turned my legs into a tail. Ocean stood at the ledge looking down at me.

"You want me to jump in?!" Ocean yelled. He had a worried look on his face, then took a deep breath.

Ocean's POV
Something seems different about (Y/n), but what?

"Hurry up! I want to show you something!" She yelled. 'What else is there to show me?'

"Fine!" I took a few steps back, and ran, jumping off the edge and landing in the water. I felt hands pulling me back up.

"Ha ha! Finally, now look at your feet."


"Just do it." She looked sternly at me.

"Alright." I look down in the water, but I didn't see feet, I saw an ocean blue ecto-merman tail.

"Did you see?! Isn't cool?!" (Y/n) sounded so excited, me, I was less excited, I was more terrified! "That's only the first part, come!" She dove in the water and pulled me down. I didn't get to take a deep enough breath.

I. Am. So. SORRY!!!!! T-T
There has been so much stuff that has been going on, and my mind is all over the place. I'm also so sorry this is a short chapter, I just wanted to get it up before I forget, again.

A Pirate's Adventure (Oceanswap! Sans x Mermaid! Pirate! Reader!)Where stories live. Discover now