Mystery man

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(Y/n)'s POV
After buying the three necklaces and heading home, the mystery man grabbed my shoulder.

"Are you (Y/n) (L/n)?" The man asked looking at me. He looked a lot like me but a guy. His (h/c) hair almost matched the shade of my (h/c) hair, his eyes were a lighter shade of (e/c), and his skin was exactly the same shade as mine.

"Yeah, and you are?" I asked smirking a devious smile. The man let go of my shoulder and smiled.

"Just call me Jim. I wanted to talk to you, but I've been hearing that you've been causing trouble for the officers, what's that about?" We started to walk towards my home while talking about ourselves and our adventures we had. Jim almost seemed familiar, I didn't know why, but I just shook it off and ignored it.


After a while, I stopped in front of the edge of the forest and looked at Jim.

"Do have a place to stay? Or do you need a place?" I asked, seeing his expression go from happy, confused, and shocked.

"The whole time I was here, I totally forgot to get someplace to stay!! Oh, by my ship's anchor, I don't have enough money either."

"You could stay with me and my shipmates." I smiled, taking out a cloth that I carry around for a reason.

"Why are you taking out that?" Jim asked looking confused.

"I can't show anyone the way to get to my home, unless I trust them." I stand on my toes and tied the cloth around his eyes. "There. Can you see anything?"

"No, where are you?" Jim asked looking around. I stepped in front of him and his face turned towards me. 'It seems he has good hearing, I'll fix that!' I went through my satchel and found a charm bracelet that I bought a while ago. I took the charm that could take anything I ask it.

"Take his hearing." I whispered to the charm, and I watched as I saw a blue aura surround him and go back into the charm. "Can you hear me?" I asked Jim. He was just moving his head around, I can tell he was trying to find a sound, any sound. I took my hand and grabbed his. At first he flinched, then sighed.

"It's okay, I just took your hearing away so you can't find my place by listening."

"Oh! Wait, how can I hear you now?"

"We are talking telepathically, now, just follow my lead."

"Okay, just don't let me run into things."

I started walking the hidden path that lead to where I live, along with Fuyu, Aki, Anya, Nala, and temporarily; Ocean and Papyrus.


YAY!! Chapter! Finally, okay this is interesting...I wonder what will happen? Find out next chapter! Catch'ya on the flip side!!


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