Going to town

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Ocean's POV
(I'm just going to call him Ocean xD)

*A bell starts to ring.*

"Oh hey! You're back!" (Y/n) excited to see someone.

"YES! AND I CAME HERE FOR SOME HELP. IT SEEMS THAT I HAVE LOST SOMETHING, CAN YOU HELP ME FIND IT?" The person yelled in a loud tone. A tone that I recognize.

"What is it that you lost?" (Y/n) asked a large figure that drew near.

"IT SEEMS THAT I HAVE LOST MY BROTHER!" The figure shouted. 'It's Pap! Wait, he knows (Y/n)?' I thought to myself. I didn't move a muscle, just stood behind (Y/n) watching this unfold.

"Uh... That's going to be a problem, I've never met your brother so I don't know what he looks like.


(The only good picture I have XD)

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(The only good picture I have XD)

"HEY! He's your brother!?!" (Y/n) pointed at the picture.

"NYEHEHEH! YES, HAVE YOU SEEN HIM?" Paps said in his usual tone. He took the picture back but paused for a second. "DO YOU WANT THE PICTURE HUMAN?"

"Sure!" (Y/n) smiled. The sunlight came in, highlighting her features, she looked like as she came from a dream I once had. I couldn't take my eyes off of her, (Y/n)'s (h/c) slightly waved with the faint breeze.

They kept talking, but I too lost in thought to pay attention. 'What am I thinking? I can't fall for a human, Pap would kill her! Then again, it seems he knows this (Y/n) maiden.'

"Dude....Dude..Dude!!" (Y/n) yelled, making myself snap out of my thoughts.



"(Y/n)! What's with all the racket?! Is Pappy here!?" Aki said, interrupting (Y/n).

"He is Aki!!" (Y/n) yelled. Aki mumbled something, but no one heard.

"Anyway, like I was trying to say: Pappy, I know where you're brother is."

Pap's eyes widen as (Y/n) stepped to the right to show that I was behind her.

"BROTHER!" Paps launches towards me and tackles me into a hug.

"P-Paps, gah! Not so hard!" I try to say while trying to get out of his grip. Paps finally lets go and I try and catch my breath.


"I was trying to look for you." I say finally catching my breath. " When we docked here, you told me you would go to town for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes passed, I went to go look for you." I explained looking at Paps.

"AHH! I SEE, SO I DID LOSE TRACK OF THE TIME!" I cocked my head in confusion as Paps made an excuse.

"Umm, why don't I go make dinner while you two stay in here and ketch up." (Y/n) said walking out of the room and shutting the door.

"So bro, you gonna tell me what's going on?" I asked clearly mad at him for keeping a secret from me.

(Y/N) AND HER FRIENDS! I LOST TRACK OF TIME AND STAYED LONGER THAN INTENDED! WHEN I NOTICED THE TIME I WENT BACK TO THE SHIP AND YOU WERE NOT THERE!" Paps carefully explained. I got even more confused when he said 'visiting'. Does that mean he knew her for a while? If so, why didn't he say anything...

"Hey bro. I was wondering, how long you've known (Y/n)?"

"SINCE THE DAY WE FIRST DOCKED HERE." Paps seemed so happy to talk about the day they first met.

The day we first docked at Matsumoto was one year ago, fresh for adventure and looking for a crew.

Flash back

That day, someone told us to go here, an old man. He came out of no where and stood right in front of me.

'If you're looking for someone to be on your crew, go to Matsumoto village. There's a young maiden that lives there.' The man explained

*Can you tell me why I would want this maiden on me crew?* I replied back in my pirate accent.

'You'll see when you meet her, she has (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes that sparkle in the sunlight.' With that, the old man disappeared with the fog that passed by. A couple hours passed as we finally reached Matsumoto village.

The ship docked and Paps and I went to look for the girl the old man spoke of. I spotted an emperor's guard and walked towards him.

*Excuse me sir, I was wondering if you have seen a maiden with (h/c) and (e/c) I'm looking for her.*

"Tsk, everyone is looking for her these days, the wretched maiden keeps assaulting us guards, and sometimes almost killing us. Tell me, what's your business with (Y/n)?" The guard scoffed and spat at the mention of the maiden's name.

*I was just looking for her. I've never met the maiden before, but an old man spoke to me about her.*

"By any chance, did the old man disappear with the fog?"

*Yes sir.*

"Tsk, that man, is no man. He is a spirit, a spirit of the fog. The old man tells any pirate that's 'worthy' enough to find the wretched maiden and ask her to join their crew, but anyone who comes across her, never want to speak her name. After that, no one has ever tried to search for her. Rumors started spreading and more and more guards flee this village."

•A woman screams•

I looked towards the direction of the scream and some guards harassing a woman's shop and hurting the child that tried to stop them. The guard that I spoke with joined in and knocked out the child.

"HEY!" Someone shouted. I looked to the person that shouted. A maiden with (h/c) hair flowing in the wind. She was standing on top of a building holding a sword in her right hand. "Stop with your harassment on Matsumoto village or face my wrath!" The girl smiled evilly.

"Ha! You don't know what your talking about!" Guard #2 spoke.

"N-no! Don't make her mad! That's
(a/n)!" (assassin name)

"Eheheh, that's right! And now, you're going to have a bad time." (XD I had to.)

I'm just going to end it right there. The song is just for entertainment. 😉 See ya my demons and ghouls! I like that nickname XD!!

Word count: 1086

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