Fuyu's pets

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Your POV
My eyes fluttered open as I heard something coming from Ocean's side of the room, I got really annoyed and finally decided to get up. I got dressed into my usual disguise, a (f/c) long skirted dress with a white top, black socks that reach up to my knees, and a (f/c) scarf to match. I put my (h/c) hair up in a bun and had a (f/c) hair ornament holding my bun in place. I carefully walk towards the painting that hid my room and opened it. I found out the noises coming from Ocean's room, it was him snoring.

"Okay then, hopefully no one sees me like this." I whispered to myself. I might of whispered to loud, cause after I said that, Ocean woke up. When he woke up, I was in the process of going out of my room, and in order to do that, I had to open up the painting. We stayed still for a while, till Ocean rubbed his eye sockets with his hands. I took this as my chance and quickly ran, closing the painting in the process, so it seemed like he was imagining it.

Ocean's POV
I was sleeping soundly until I heard a voice.

"Okay then, hopefully no one sees me like this." I sat upright in the bed and saw (Y/n). She was wearing a (f/c) long dress with a white top, black socks that reached up to her knees, and a (f/c) scarf to match. She also had her (h/c) hair up in a bun that was held up by a (f/c) hair ornament. She was coming out of a secret room hidden behind the painting that was on the wall of the room I was staying in. I stared at her thinking if this was a dream. I rubbed my eye sockets, and (Y/n) was gone. I looked around the room, the painting didn't seem like it had been moved, I heard no footsteps, and all was quiet.

"Was that just my imagination?" I asked myself. I then shrugged it off and got out of bed. Getting dressed, I saw something in the shadows move, no wait, more than just one, there was two.

I stopped when I was putting on my captains hat and looked around with my 'eyes'.

"Hello?" A high pitched voice that sounded much like a kid's came from the shadows. I turned myself towards where the voice came from and saw two figures.

"Anya! Nala! Where did you two go!?" I heard Fuyu whisper yell. The two figures came out of the shadows and I saw two things. One of them had pink hair, teal eyes, a light blue striped with white dress, white fading into pink wolf ears and tail, long socks that went over the knees, blue dress shoes, and blue and white striped bows in her hair and tail. The other one had light blue hair in high pigtails, purplish eyes, white fading into blue wolf ears and tail, pink and white polka dotted dress, long socks that reached over the knees, pink dress shoes, and pink and white polka dotted bows in her hair. They both were holding a stuffed animal, the pink one was holding a bunny, and the blue one was holding a cat. (Pic above).

Fuyu then came into the room and saw them.

"Anya! Nala! There you two are!" Fuyu ran towards the two creatures that were staring at me.

"Uh, Fuyu? Who, what are those?" (You're gonna hate me, but I'm still doing it anyways.... WHAT ARE THOSE!?) Fuyu looked at me while picking up the little things. She smiled at me and gave me the blue haired one.

"Her name is Nala." Fuyu said pointing at the blue haired creature. "And this one is Anya." Fuyu said hugging the pink haired creature. I looked down at Nala and saw her tail wagging.


The bell rang, signaling that someone just came aboard.

"I'm back!" (Y/n) yelled to anyone could hear.

"Well, your back early. What's with the getup? You look like an actual lady wearing that!" Aki chuckled the last two sentences. I heard as (Y/n) was making her way to the room I was staying in. She stopped at the doorway and looked at me and Fuyu holding Anya and Nala.

"Great~! What kind a pets did you bring THIS time Fuyu?" (Y/n) sounded annoyed, but smiled as her gaze turned to me. 'I knew that wasn't a dream this morning.' I thought to myself. (Y/n) walked closer to Fuyu and held out her hands, like she wanted Anya to come into her arms. Anya sniffed (Y/n) and smiled.

"You smell you have magic!" Anya exclaimed in her high pitched, kid voice. I looked at (Y/n) and noticed Nala was also sniffing her. Fuyu put Anya down, and I put Nala down so they could get a better scent from (Y/n).

"Yeah! You're right! She does smell like she has magic!" Nala said in a similar tone as Anya. (Y/n) just smiled as she picked both of them up.

"I know what creature you two are, you two are magic sensing werewolf pups, that also have their own magic. Depending on what color fur you have."

"YIP! How did you know?" Anya barked like a puppy and asked looking surprised.

"I have a few books about magical creatures and beings. I actually got a new one today!" (Y/n) said cheerfully. "Come on, follow me." (Y/n) said still holding Anya and Nala. She opened the painting and went to the other side. It looked a lot like the room I was in, but had (f/c) bed and sheets, (s/f/c) pillows and walls. There was two bookshelves, one was halfway filled, and the other was filled completely.

"Whoa..." I said while admiring the room. (Y/n) set Anya and Nala on her bed and went through a bag she was carrying and pulled out a book with the title, Magical Creatures and Beings.

Yay!! I finally got this chapter out!! *sigh of relief* time to work on another one... yay! Catch'ya guys on the flip side! Bai!

Word count: 1056


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