Chapter 3 - Jerome

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~Chapter 3~

I woke up to the last thing I expected ; knocking. My eyes widened as the loud taping sound echoed through the house.

Slowly, shakily, I rolled my sleeves down and pried myself off the bed.slowly and wreaking, I trooped downstairs, missing a step every once and a while and almost falling on my face. Twice.

I didn't even bother to check who was on the other side of the door once I got there. With a deep breath, I reached forward and pulled open the wooden object without much view. I looked away immediately, not wanting to see the persons burning eyes. It wasn't the day that....THEY come, but I was still nervous.


I looked how in surprise at the beautiful man in front of me. His lips curled into a smile, some of it hid by his big - but gorgeous- nose.

This is the other reason I had locked myself up. I didn't want to face my feelings for Jerome- I didn't want to face the fact that I absolutely, one-hundred percent loved him.

"H-Hey," I croaked, my throat burning with the word, the one that I had to force out.

"Oh my god, everyone was worried SICK! Where the hell were you?!?! You didn't upload any videos, you never called us over was like you had.." He seemed to hesitate before squeaking out "died." Then, he did the unthinkable. He pounced onto me, arms open, and swallowed me into his grasp.

My eyes widened at first and I let out a fan-girlish squeak, but then - slowly - I began to accept it. I laid my head on his shoulder, drinking up the feeling of someone finally holding me. I hasn't been shown this a very long time...maybe even never.

We stayed like that for who-knows-how-long, before finally, he let go. I let out a depressed sigh but quickly masked it - I didn't want him knowing how much I enjoyed it or else he would think I'm weird...or worse, find out my secret.

"Seriously, where were you?!" He demanded, soft and sweet but demanding. I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out. I remembered that I had pretty much fully lost my voice, thanks to crying too much.

I looked up at him with pleading eyes, and he seemed to get the message clearly. His eyes became sad and he seemed to study my face. He did this for a while before finally, he grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers and leading me away from the door. I kicked it closed with my foot - which brought me physical pain thanks to the cuts - as he mumbled in front of me "Oh Mitch, what the hell did you do to more, I promise. No more. Come on."

He lead me into the living room and gently pushed me down and onto the couch. Once he was seated as well, he reached out, picking up a piece of paper and a pen from the coffee table in front of us and thrusting them onto my lap.

"Write what you want to say." He explained, and slowly, shakily I lifted the pen and ran it across the crisp page.

Once I was finished, I handed it back. He frowned at the simple word I had written. 'Done.'

"Done with what?" Jerome asked slowly and gently, handing me back the paper and pen and looking up at me with pleading eyes. Slowly, I reached out and took the board back.


My best friend looked at it, eyebrows raised. I felt tears burning at the back of my eyes and quickly turned away so he couldn't see me crying.

"Biggums..." Jerome murmured as the tears broke out, rolling lazily down my face. I squeezed my eyes tightly and prayed that he wouldn't see me in this state.

Instead of laughing, instead of pointing and hurting, I felt Fluffy's arms wrap around me once more. More hot, burning tears flowed down my face.

"Aww, come here." Cooed the bacca, pulling me closer and allowing me to rest my head on his shoulder once more. His hands rubbed gently circles on my back, ones that made me feel relaxed and un-tensed my muscles. Usually I would've been fangirling or freaking out of some sort, but my throat hurt too much to do so.

"Shhh..." Jerome continued to coo in my ears. "It's okay, I'm here. I'll make sure whatever was bothering you before won't do it again, okay?" I should've been bothered by him talking to me like I was three, but I really wasn't.

I nodded slowly in his shoulder, enjoying the blissful idea of having him here.

"Can you talk at all?" He asked gently, rocking me slowly and gently in his arms.

I opened my mouth, barely croaking out "N-Not really, sorry..."

He nodded slowly before taking my hand and rubbing circles on my knuckles. "Don't worry about it." He got up and off the couch, leading me upstairs and towards the bathroom. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion and my stomach churned with nervousness - what if he could the blade?! If he found it, he was bound to leave because I'm such a freak...

"Where are we going?" I whispered as we walked up.

"Shh. Don't talk or you might damage your voice even more." He instructed, still leafing eh we got into the bathroom, he pointed to the toilet. Obediently, I sat down on the lid.

He started sifting through my cabins and, before long, came out, bottle in hands that had light pink liquid in it.

"Here..." He muttered pouring the liquid into the cap to get the correct amount. He then handed it to me before turning around to put the bottle back.

I swished it around a little - just like you would a wine glass - before taking it down in one gulp. Man, that stuff was BAD.

"Okay..." Jerome muttered after I had drank it. He took the bottle from my hands, then turned around and placed it gently back into the cabinet.

Then, the worst thing that could ever happen...happened.


Hey guys! Sorry for not updating, I lost the book!!! :P I don't have a schedule for updating the book just yet, at the moment it's just updating it when I can. No more whole months without updating though :P

Love you, peace!

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