Chapter 9 - Mine

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-Jerome's POV-

My eyes slowly fluttered open to be greeted by a flow of blinding sunlight. I groaned softly, shaking my head to wake myself up.

Where was I again?

Oh he's here...

I feel like I'm forgetting something...

I glanced down, only to be meeted by a mass of brown hair, and an adorable, snoring face tucked into my chest. Our legs were entangled, and his eyes were closed shut as the soft breaths traveled through his nose.

Laying myself back down, I rubbed comfortable circles on his back, watching as his chest rose up and down in a steady pattern.

Seeing him all was like my worst nightmare. I can't take that stuff. He'll be fine from now on, I'll make sure. From now on, I'm not only Mitch's boyfriend, I'm his personal body guard.

There was suddenly a soft noise ; the clearing of a throat, I believe. I forced my eyelids open, the weight of sleep pushing at them. In front of me stood a tall woman, in her thirties, with a clipboard. She smiled sweetly at me, before whispering "Mitchell's parents are here, sir."


That's what I was forgetting...

That got my butt out of bed. I jumped up, making Mitch shuffle, turning around and clutching the pillow instead, pulling it close to his chest and nuzzling his head into it.

Normally I wouldn't fanboy'd at this, but now, I had no time. I ran into the bathroom, but not before asking the woman "Can we have a quick moment? Send them up in ten."

"Of course!" She said happily, before walking out of the room in a hurry. I ran over to our little bench, scooping up some of my clothes and putting Mitch's aside. I should be up, so it seemed like I've been here since the morning, but my boyfriend didn't have to get up quite yet.

I like that. My boyfriend.

Mine. Gives me a fuzzy feeling.

I was ready in under five minutes, and practically panting at how quick I had gone. Teeth cleaned, hair brushed, clothes on...done!

And just in time too. As soon as I walked out, there was a knock at the door, and a soft voice of "Mitch...? Sweetie?"

I scurried over, opening the door to the giddy couple that were my boyfriends homophobic parents. I greeted them, shaking his fathers hand and giving his mother a soft hug.

"Jerome!" She cried. "Thank you so much for taking care of Mitch, we really appreciate it!" She smirked a bright smirk, her dimples lighting up. I had to keep in mind that this woman is in her mid fourties.

"It was no problem," I grinned back, stepping aside so they could see their peacefully sleeping son. "I'm his best friend, in fact."

"Mitch...sweetie..." Whispered the mother, slowly walking over and placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Wake up."

"Hm...?" Grumbled a tired body, turning around to face away from his parents. He still clutched the pillow tight, his cheek nuzzling it and breathing steady.

"Wow, he acts like that pillow is his sexay girlfriend." Okay, that stung. Mitch's father laughed at his own joke, shaking his head and leaning against the frame of the door.

"In all seriousness," Mitch's mom said with a straight face. "He should find a girl already."

"I know, we should kick his butt into gear and make him find a chick." He chuckled again, rolling his eyes.

Jesus Christ, his parents are really hell-bent on getting Mitch to find a female. Why couldn't they use the word 'partner' instead? I was starting to seriously believe the Canadian's story about his parents being homophobic.

"For,..your information..." Groaned Mitch, slowly sitting up in bed. He wiped his eyes cutely, rubbing out all the sleepiness and grogginess that might be left over. "I've already found one." He connected eyes with me, and I felt myself blushing.

"Really?!" Asked his mother excitedly. "That's amazing, Mitchell! Oh, what's she like!?"

"She's amazing." He scooted up in bed, so he was resting against the bedpost. "She's kind and funny, she has the best jokes. She also is really compassionate and cares a lot about me."

"...She...sounds amazing." Said his father slowly, grinning widely. "I'm so proud of you Mitch, for a while I was nervous-"

"That your son would be gay?" That bomb dropped the room and exterminated everything, leaving an eerie silence, like a mouse holding its breath for seconds on end.

A loud gulp was heard as his father quickly recomposed himself. "Well...erm, yes. You were always checking out other men Mitch, your mother and I got very nervous you were...a sin."

I could see Mitch's broken look, the hurt in his eyes. The pain as a bigger bomb was dropped, basically killing that mouse.

"....How could you be so cruel."

"What?!?! I thought you agreed! Gays are wrong, Mitchell!!!"




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