Chapter 7 - Poke

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-Chapter 7-

-Mitch's POV-

My head was killing me - it felt like millions upon millions of drums were VERY angry. I slowly drifted my hand to my hot red head, groaning lightly. My eyes refused to open, stuck like glue.

"It's okay," said a sudden voice, very distant, but at the same time it felt like he was hovering over me, smothering me with his melodious voice box. "It's okay, Mitch, don't stress yourself."

I gave a weak nod of understand when I felt a hand clasp mine ; warm and comforting, holding on tightly, like it was about to slip away from him forever.

The beeping of the monitor next to my bed was so loud, it almost over-rid the drums. I let out a weak groan, when suddenly, I realized something.

I had been beaten to a point of unconsciousness. Jerome brought me to the hospital when he found my body, beaten to a pulp, on the floor of my living room. I still remember his warm, comforting embrace as I passed out, the way his arms cradled me and his lips touched my forehead...


As if in a miracle, suddenly I felt a soft, sweet pair of lips touch mine gently, a simple, smooth kiss. He stayed there, letting our lips linger as I huffed in and out repeatedly, struggling to breath through the wounds.

"I missed you..." Whispered the voice, and I felt out foreheads touch lightly. He pressed them together, keeping our lips tied with each other. I sighed in bliss, finding his shirt and clinging onto it. The entire time, I still hadn't opened my god-danged eyes.

"Jerome..." I whispered softly, "what happened?"

I felt a shifted in the bed, and suddenly I was lifted up. Jerome chuckled as I flipped out, then gave in and rested my head on his shoulders.

"They beat you up, Mitch. You had some pretty serious conditions - you broke one of your eyes and you have a big gash on your forehead. But other than that, your perfectly fine and are being released tomorrow. They might've had to postpone it if you hadn't woken up, but look at you." He poked my nose, making me scowl.

"Jerome, Im nineteen years old. Please don't poke my nose."

"Poke!" He squealed, tapping it once more. I swatted his hand away, simply to have him return and give it another stabbing.

Around here is when I had the strength to open my eyes. They fluttered open, and before I knew it, I was staring up at Jerome, who smirked back down at me. I was laying on a hospital bed ; or at least, I was.

I was now in Jerome's hold, being cradled gently by him. He was smiling warmly down at me, as if he knew something I didn't.

And he sure as hell did.

As soon as I was accustomed to the blinding lights that admitted from the nurses area, I glanced around the room, only to be greeted with the biggest chorus of screams I've ever heard.

"MIIITTTCCCHHHH!!!!" I think I jumped about five feet, only to have every single member of TC laugh at my face.

Sky and Ty were there - even though them and Quentin aren't in TC anymore, we're still friends and we still love each other of course - along with Jason and Tyler, and Brice and Seto. They were around the bed, watching Jerome and I cuddle.

Oh my...

"PERVS!!!" I screamed, making a nurse come in and tell us to quiet down, which only made us laugh harder.

"Can't. Breath." Panted Jerome from above me, so I reached up and patted his face to let him take in some air. He openly laughed at my gesture, making me laugh in return.

"Mitchell? Mitchell Donald Ralph Hughes?" Asked a sudden man, who walked into the room as gave us a rather unapproving look. I wasn't sure if it was because we were probably interupting everyone in the building, or if I was cuddled into my boyfriends arms.

"That's me." I said, removing my head and hand from Jerome's stomach and sitting up a little straighter in his lap. This man looked rather old, almost in his fifties, I would say. And since most homophobic people are older - studies show this generation is extremely supportive, no matter what the upbringing is - I kinda worked out in my head why he was scowling.

"One, please, no Public Displays of Affection, or PDA, if you will. Thank you. Two, you have too many people in this room, so if two of you could please step out for a moment while I explain some things to him it would be wonderful."

Reluctantly, Jason and Tyler went out into the hall, probably just to be kissing when the doctor came out, simply to annoy the crap out of him. You go guys.

"So, Mitchell," he turned back to me. "You do indeed have a broken arm. It's easily fixable, since it was a clean break. Your head is healing nicely, but there will be a scar there for...possibly forever. Other than that you have minor cuts and bruises, all of which will fade over time. And last but not least, we've postponed your release date, simply because we want to keep a track of your arm. Until then, our assistant, Miss Allison will be taking care of you."

One of the nurses stepped back, giving me a short wave and a smile before getting back to work.

"Okay, thank you." I said giving him a rather forced smile. He returned one, just as difficult.

The man was about to leave the room, when suddenly he turned around and said some dreaded words that I never wanted anyone to say.

"Your parents are coming by tomorrow, by the way. They called the hospital, and their plane will arrive around two-thirty."


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