Chapter 13 - Cakes...? Not Really.

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-Chapter 12-

~Mitch's POV~

"I totally won!" I cried, staring down at my pile of dough and randomly scattered icing, a proud ground plastered on my face as I crossed my arms smugly. Jerome simply scoffed in response.

"In your dreams!" He laughed loudly, shaking his head, and looking at his cake, almost identical to mine, scattered and not in any shape once so ever. He looked just as proud of his as I did for mine, giving it a quick nod.

"Yours is just a lump!"

"So is yours!"



In the end, we were both cracking up, leaning on each other for support as our chest shook with laughs. Our flour covered chests were pressed together, and I could feel his heartbeat speeding up at all the desperate, heaving breaths he took to reclaim his breath, lost from laughing.

Somewhere in between, our hands met each other, fingers naturally entwining. It was moments like this when I knew we were simply meant for each other. When our hands pulled together like magnets, his thumbs rubbing small circles on my knuckles, and a wave of bliss washed over me, simply from his touch.

A few moments passed before we had been able to catch enough of our breath to speak, and Jerome's words came before mine. "So, are we actually gonna eat these at some point?"

I glanced down at his mound, eyeing it suspiciously, before dipping my forefinger into the soft icing and placing the delicious substance in the tip of my tongue. The spat set of heavy sweetness spread across my mouth like a fire, and I quickly nodded in appreciation.

"Yes. Definitely yes." I grinned, a new, and slightly risky, idea coming to mind. Reaching back down, I took a small amount of icing on my finger once more. Instead, this time, instead of eating it, I reached up to Jerome's face and smeared the small amount across his nose.

His face wrinkled in confusion, causing a deep, strangely geniune laugh to rumble through my lungs. This pulled a grin from him, and before me could react, he had already practically coated my face with the light blue, fluffy good.

"Oh, fuck you."

That was a long - and messy - day.


That night, Jerome and I were cuddled closely on the couch, specks of icing and sticking, raised dough spotted in both of our hair and skin. We both sat in quiet, with I tucked under his big arm, like a blanket protecting me from the bitter cold of the outside.

For once, I knew, for sure, what the definition of happy was. It had been a long time since I felt such a familiar feeling. All I had felt recently was the bitter taste of sadness, and the saltiness of my own tears.

The simple thoughts caused me to instinctively bury my head into the other men's chest. His arms tightened slightly around me, and if let a loose sigh of relief slip past my lips.

If it had been anyone else who wanted to help me in the slightest, to be honest, I don't know if I could've trusted them enough. I met Jerome in fourth grade, I've always been with him, through thick and thin. He was the one who would save me from the bullies, as much as he could...that is, until he moved.

Being with anyone else would feel simply unnatural, in the end.

I let out a sharp gasp of sudden breath, as what felt like a needle jabbed into my arm. Jerome must've noticed my sudden uncomfort, because he immediately pushed the pause button on the remote control, pausing the South Park episode and turning his attention to me.

"What's wrong?' He asked worriedly, taking my arm in his and turning it upside down (what I had been in the process of doing already) and shaking my sleeve up.

My cuts were still tightly wrapped up, nearly cutting off the circulation to my hand. I must've hit it somewhere, or maybe my skin got caught on the fabric, because a deep red was beginning to seep through the material.

One of my cuts had opened.

"Come on," Jerome said softly, standing up. I began to push myself off the desk, but wasn't able to, as two giant arms reached down and swept me up. I let out a squeak, my arms wrapping around his neck instinctively as he chuckled at my fright.

He basically cradled me as he walked, burying his head in my hair ever once and a while, and whispered sweet things in my ears every once a while.

He must've gotten how hard I was freaking out, since he was trying to hard to calm down my jumping nerves. Feeling that familiar scence, and seeing the blood seeping through the material that was supposed to keep it all bottled up...

It just caused something in me to jumble massively, and I squeaked my eyes tightly, uncomfortable with the nagging feeling. Like someone was taking the strings to my heart and playing them like a harp, stretching and pulling at them, until they snapped into two.

"Don't worry, Mitch." Jerome's words pulled me back from my nervous fit. "Don't you worry."

Those simple words calmed my nerves, and, in his protective grip, his arms tightly around me, hands encasing me from the cruel world, for once in my life....

I felt truthfully safe.


...Is this too short? I don't know if it is. Sorry <^_^>

The short Skylox story will probably be updated tomorrow, sorry, but it's been really frantic around my house lately. My moms having this meeting thingy on Wednesday, and they're going crazy trying to get ready for it.

I have officially decided that there will be about 3 more fluffy chapters after this (5 in total) before I have Mitch go back so school and have the sh*t go down.

Hope you guys enjoyed this little fluffy thang.

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