Chapter 18 - Hosting a Party

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-Chapter 18-

-Time Skip, One Week-

~Mitch's POV~

I stood in the kitchen, bowl in hand, my arms aching from how quickly I was mixing and stirring the batter. Jerome was behind me, doing the sme to the batch of icing we had made.

I took a quick step back at the same time he did, resulting in our lips connecting for a short time before separating and us continuing to do the chores.

"I can't believe you offered to host this party..." Jerome mumbled from behind me, obviously a bit pissed he was being pulled into this.

"Hey," I chuckled softly. "You didn't have to help if you didn't want to. And anyways, I haven't been to any of these, it's time I step up and meet some of the people that I live so close to."

About a week ago, I had gotten a call from one of my neighbors, saying that the person who was supposed to be running it cancelled last minute, and begging for me to host it.

I gave it about a thirty second debate before eagerly agreeing, deciding that I should probably get to know these people after living here for almost five years.

So, here we were, feverishly baking for a party that I had basically dragged Jerome into helping me with a pair of big puppy-dog eyes.

"Relax," I said softly, gently setting down the plastic blue bowl and wrapping my arms around the taller's waist. "It'll be over soon, it'll happen, hen we can relax on the couch and just lay around.

"Heh..." Jerome grinned from the thought, reaching down and tipping my chin upward. Slowly, he pressed his lips to mine, letting out a happy sigh through his nose. "Can't wait."

A sudden knocking at the door echoed through the house, and a feeling of panic immediately rippled through me. I spun around, grabbed the batter, and shoved it into the surprised Jerome's arms.

"Continue doing this, I'll get them!" I cried, and immediately sped to the door.

It was going to be a long night...

If only I knew.

-Small Time Skip-

~Jerome's POV~

A few hours later, people were walking through the halls of our small house without a care, making small talk and socializing with their neighbors.

The people who lived close to Mitch were very kind, for the most part. They each took the time to greet me, taking my hand in theirs and even giving me a hug every once and a while.

The amount of the people at the party surprised me. It must've been the entire neighborhood and everyone around it, because there were so many people in our house that I had lost Mitch half an hour ago, and was now unable to find him.

"Hello!" I greeted another stranger, taking her hand in mine and shaking it, before moving on to the next.

As nice as these people were, this was hell.

"Excuse me," I turned to one of the middle-aged women I had greeted long before and gently asked her "Have you seen Mitch anywhere?"

"Oh, Mitchell?"


A sudden, ear splitting cry of my name both pulled me from my conversation, and caused every single person there to stare at us with wide and confused eyes.

"What is it?" I walked up to the random person that had called me name, raising a single eyebrow at him.

"It''s Mitch! He's hurt! Something happened!!!"


Hey guys!

I'm having a sleepover on Saturday, so there will be an update tomorrow and then non until Monday.

A lot has been going on in my personal life, so that's why I've been pretty inactive.

Also, just a little thing to anyone who messages me - I literally cannot respond. Like, it's not me being lazy, I promise, and I really apologize for not responding to people. My wattpad is glitching, so I see that you message me, and is see a snippet of it on the list of messages I have, but once I click on the messages, nothing is there,

Again, I apologize, and I really hope they change this soon, it's a big pain in the ass for both you and I.

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