Other side

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"We need some volunteers to go with me and the rest to check out the place. Please step forward." I said. There were only four people who stood up. "That's good enough, now we need other volunteers to help April teach the children." I watched some only four women get up to help. "Alright,  people who is going to help teach the kids, follow April. The ones helping me stay here, the rest, you may go."
"I need your names." I said starting with a guy who had a beard, long hair, and was sorta fat. "My names Tony." he said. "Thank you, I said writing down. I went to the next one. "Marco." The guy said, he was also kinda fat he had white hair and was tall. "Jasmine." a girl said. She was tall, skinny and was blond. "Carlos." The other guy said, he looked young, had glasses, skinny, and was kinda tall.
"We have to wait for the others they'll be here soon." I told them. They finally came, Dhamra, Anjay, Luis and Esmeralda. "Alright guys, follow me." I said leaving the the gate, going around, and into the place. It was amazing what there was.
A restaurant, a place to practice gun shooting, another hotel, and lots more. Of course there are walkers in the area. "Alright guys, weapons out." I said taking out my bow. Aiming for the walkers head, I tried to go all they back to do a hard thought to get two kills. I was happy I did get two kills. But at the same time, it wasn't easy, there were so many walkers all around us. "Shit" Carlos said. "Aim for the head people!" I yelled. I grabbed the edges of my bow stabbing it in their heads. I looked behind me and saw Carlos with a knife, dhamar with a her machete, anjay with a stick, Tony, with a gun, Esmeralda with a another gun, Luis with a kitchen knife, jasmine with a knife and so was Marco. While I was turned around, a Walker grabbed me from my shoulder. "SHIT!" I yelled. Then I saw the Walker fell on me. Luis killed the Walker, he saved me. He put his arm to get me up, I accepted it. "Thank you." I said getting up fast. I went fast killing the walkers. "Keep moving!"I yelled. We killed all of them one by one. We finally finished. "Good job everyone." I said "We need to go separate ways. I'll go by myself, Luis and Esmeralda, you guys check out the hospital, Marco and Tony, You two go to the hotel, anjay and dhamar, you two will go to the gun station,  Carlos and Jasmine, you guys check out the restaurants. Meet here when your all done. Let's move." I said leaving. I was heading to look around, apparently there was a church, I looked inside, empty, not even a single Walker. I moved on, and found a animal store. I went inside and saw nothing, all animals were dead. I killed a couple of walkers while going place to place, found a grocery store. That might have been helpful. I went inside, some fruits were good and some were bad, I gathered them all, all good food that still work. It also disturbing in there, so many dead bodies, even children. "My god." I said. I heard a foot step on something. I grabbed my gun. Aiming where I hear the noise. "Who's there!" I yelled. No response. Then something jumped on me. "Shit you scared me." I said to Melanie. "Surprise." she said. She was me, I was on the cold floor. "Well you did a good job about it." I said. "Maybe I did." she said. We stared eachother at the same time. I got up quick cause I wasn't to sure about what I was doing. "I need to keep going, you wanna help." I told her. "I guess." she said. We started to walk around. "Melanie?" I said. "Yeah." she responded. "Tell me your story before all this happened., and how you meet Madison." I said to her. "Madison, she was my step sister. We didn have anything in common, we were at the theater watching a movie when we went outside, well it was hell. We went straight to our place and my mom and my step dad was dead. We ran after to wherever we went." she said, looking at ground. "I'm sorry to hear that." I told her. She didn't respond. "It's just, why did we have to go this way, why this world?" she asked. "We sure can't change the pass Melanie, but we sure can change ourselves, become different then who we are, probably worse." I told her. "This world is worst than before, people dead, people surviving, people killing to survive." I continued. "Things aren't easy." Melanie said. "No, the aren't." I responded.
I started to see smoke on the floor, it went fast. "What's going on?" I said. Taking out my bow, but it was to late the smoke went to our eyes and we couldn't see anything. I saw a figure, coming towards us. I could barley see it. I took out my knife and was ready to kill it. But someone or something grabbed my mouth and put me down. I heard laughter. I punched it and got up. "STOP!" I heard a voice. "It's us." anjay said putting his hands up and Dhamar. "Shit anjay." I said. "You know anjay is my nickname." he said smiling. I noticed the smoke was clearing out. "I wanted to see if I trusted your first." he said. "Then what is your name?" I asked him. "It's Andrey." he said crossing his arms. "It's the same shit." I said. "But it has a R." he said. "Whatever. You already finished?" I asked him. "Fuck yeah, and we found some good shit there. Look." he said leaving us to a cart. There was smoke bombs, guns,  ammo, knifes, and a lot more shit. "Here I wanted to save this for you Gerardo." he died giving me a box. "What is it?" I asked. "Open it." Andrey said. I opened it and found so many arrows for my bow. "Shit, thanks man, I really appreciate it." I said shaking his hand. Then I saw everyone coming out from there place. "Anything good?" I asked. "Not bad things though." Carlos said caring a box of canned food."
The others caring a box of aid, guns, and more food. "This is going to work out great." I said smiling. We headed to the front of the gate.
I went to the gym. That's where April is teaching the kids. I went inside and saw Maria, Melanie and April teaching the kids. I stood there watching them. I was actually happy doing everything to keep these people alive, helping them.
April saw me. I said meeting to her. She nodded her head. I went outside to the quad.
"Okay as you all know, me and other people came with me and took a look on the other side of orchard. Now I good news. We could make this place bigger than it is now. We just need conductors." I said. People raised their hands to volunteer. There were like thirty of them. "This place is going to be a beacon from all this darkness."

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