Aiko Miyamura

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As he watch her leave the room, David lets out a deep sigh. He run his good hand over his hair and adjusts his glasses close to the bridge of his nose.

"You sure are damn lucky,son" The old doctor who is mending his wound told him.

"Miyamura family has been running the mafia for a long time. Most of the partners they get always end up dead in their first mission with a Miyamura,but you,son, are one hell of a lucky  guy" 

he said as he finishes the last bandage wrapping over David's shoulder. A small thank you slipped out of David's mouth and he walked out of the infirmary.

"Have you seen Aiko?" David asked a man who is just passing by. 

"No,I'm sorry" The man quickly fled like he's hiding something.

David narrowed his eyes glaring at the man as he walks away. David chose to ignore it and continued to find Aiko.


Aiko's PoV:

"Aiko,my Daughter.." He said as a greeting as I entered his office. His name is Takeshi Miyamura. Such an asshole of a father I must say. As I grew up, father would only yell at me and my mother got tired of him and left him for good. Mom always hate this side of father. But what is worst is that she left me with him. 

"What is the report to your mission?" I took a deep breath and said

"Due to circumstances, Seichi died because of his  betrayal to Coriolis" I said flatly. I looked at my father to see any kind of reaction,but instead of remorse I see his lips curved into an evil smirk.

"Good riddance." Father stood up and put his hands on my shoulder. 

"As a reward, I make you and your partner......wait, where is David Carter?" 

I froze. I can't tell him I shot Seichi because he shot David.

" He is resting due to the ruckus we went through" I lied. Let me tell you something, when it comes to lying I'm not really the best.

"Aiko?" I swear this will end in no good

in 3



" WHAT HAPPENED, AIKO?" Father shouted as if he can make his people deaf with his voice.

"I....I shot Seichi." That's not really much of wise choice of words.

father slapped me across the face that it made me face the floor.

" What is running through your head Aiko? YOU SHOT SEICHI THAT DAMN MAN HAS PEOPLE WHO CAN REPORT TO THE GOVERNMENT WHAT YOU DID TO HIM" he shouted and I did my best not to cry. You're not the one who always cry. Crying means weakness. I'm not weak.

"He shot David. I have to shoot him or else" I mumbled loud enough for him to hear.


"My Partner would die!" At this rate, I better leave or I would see my body staining the carpet I'm standing with blood.

" Get out, Aiko" father said as he runs his gloved hand up to his hair. He lets out a frustrated sigh. He's trying to calm himself at a time like this.


I walked out of the room and like on cue. David stood there in horror as he saw my  bruising cheek. 

He pulled me into a hug. I can feel his muscular arms snake my waist and I smell  the blood from his wound. Before, that smell attracts me,but now something inside  me feels changing. 

"Aiko..." David mumbled softly. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath dragging the smell of blood into my nose.No one can hear how loud my silent cries were,but David heard it all and pulled away from the hug to cup my cheeks. I can see from his face a small tint of pink forming in his cheeks indicating he's blushing. I can practically see him hesitating to put his lips on mine. I never wanted him  to pity me,so I let go as blood rush to my face. There's something inside me changing I swear. 

and its not only the smell of the blood, but also my  heart

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