Chapter 4

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     Leigh was setting stuff out for her and Logan to finish her project. Leigh let the memory of Amy and Logan kissing in front of her come into her mind. The words he said about her. She felt tears start to form in her eyes. "He used me..." Leigh said as she cried. Leigh quickly wiped away her tears and got the paint ready.

     Soon enough, the doorbell rung. Leigh sat the paint down and opened the door to find a broken hearted Logan. Logan walked in without a word and sat on the couch. Leigh closed the door and joined Logan on the couch. "What's wrong?..." Leigh asked in a small voice. "Amy broke up with me... I found out she was cheating on me because she thought I was cheating on her with you..." Logan said as he gave her a death glare. "O-Oh... I'm sorry..." Leigh said, not knowing what else to say.  "It's your fault that she broke up with me!" Logan yelled. All Leigh could feel was hurt. She felt like her heart was shot a thousand times and then ripped apart right in front of her. "I-I-I..." Leigh tried to say, but was cut off by Logan. "It's your fault Leigh! Your fault!" Logan yelled louder. Leigh mumbled under her breath. "What did you say? Tell me you little b****!" Logan yelled.

     Leigh started breathing heavily as Logan kept demanding her what she said. Soon her hands started shaking. Why Logan why? Why are you blaming me? I freaking love you! Leigh thought as she started to cry. Logan kept yelling at her. She was soon on her knees bawling her eyes out. Logan stopped yelling and watched Leigh cry. Logan slowly knelt down beside her. "What did you say?..." Logan asked calmly. Leigh calmed down a little. She looked into Logan's eyes. "I said that... It wasn't my fault..." Leigh lied. "I'm sorry for blaming you." Logan said as he pulled Leigh in for a hug. Leigh hugged him back. "It's o-o-okay..." Leigh stuttered as she tried to calm down her mind, which was running wild with guilt, pain, and love all at the same time. Logan rubbed her back and kissed her head. "I didn't even like Amy in the first place..." Logan lied. He loved Amy with all his heart, but when he starting working with Leigh... He felt something between them that he never felt with Amy. If only he knew what it was...

~*~One Hour Later~*~

     Logan fell on the couch with his hands on his head. "We are now finished!" Leigh said as she fell on the floor. "And next week we get out grade!" Logan said in an exhausted tone. Leigh slightly looked over at Logan. She looked at his dark brown eyes, then his nose, and then her favorite feature, his soft lips. She imagined her lips against his, moving along with each other. Fitting perfectly together.

     She was brought out of her thoughts when Logan making funny noises. "What are you doing?" Leigh asked as she raised one eyebrow. "Entertaining myself. I get bored easily." Logan said as he continued to stare at the ceiling and make weird and strange noises. Leigh smiles and laughed a little. Logan smiled and continued with the weird noises. "Are you having fun?" Leigh asked. "Heck yeah!" Logan said and they both laughed. "You are so crazy." Leigh said as she tried to calm down. "You just figured that out?" Logan asked. "No not really..." Leigh said. "Oh really?" Logan asked. Leigh smiled. "Really." Leigh said and gently smacked the back of his head. "What was that for?" Logan asked. "For being a dork." Leigh said. "How am I a dork?" Logan asked. Leigh just looked at him. "Okay, change that. You are an idiotic dork." Leigh said and they both laughed.

     "I think I am an idiot since the teacher partnered me with you." Logan said with a chuckle. "So you used me for a good grade?" Leigh asked. She sounded a little hurt. "I was... BUT! When I realized how sweet of a girl you are... I stopped... I actually want to be friends with you..." Logan said and looked down. Leigh got up and sat beside him. "And I keep thinking that no one wanted to be my friend... I haven't had a friend since kindergarten..." Leigh said. "Who was she?" Logan asked. "It was a he..." Leigh corrected him. "Okay, then who was he?" Logan asked as he turned his head towards Leigh. "His name was..." Leigh said slowly as she tried to avoid saying his name.

     Logan looked at her as he waited for her answer. "Logan... Logan Henderson..." Leigh said and looked at him. "Well, I did- Wait... Leigh?... that girl that made me happy all the time was you?!" Logan asked surprised. "You remember?..." Leigh asked. "Of course! Why would I forget you?!" Logan said as his smile began to grow larger. "You never talked to me again since the last day of Kindergarten..." Leigh said as a tear slid down her cheek. Logan wiped her tear away. "I'm sorry for leaving you like that... I promise that it won't happen again... Ever..." Logan said with a smile. "But it's too late now..." Leigh said as she looked down. She was going to tell Logan that she was moving to London, but how to explain it to him was the hard part. Logan looked at her with confusion. "How is it too late?" Logan asked as he placed his hand on her back. "It's just.... that... I can't tell you know since you now remember me..." Leigh said as she felt warm tears slide down her cheek. Logan gently wiped them away. "Just say it and get it out of the way." Logan said and looked into her eyes as Leigh did the same. "You don't understand Logan... How would you feel if you're crush since Kindergarten just now remembers you when you are just about to move to a different country?!" Leigh said a little louder then expected. Logan's smile fell, his heart was now broken. "You're moving to where?..." Was all Logan could say at the moment. "London, England..." Leigh said as she looked down. "And you've liked me that long?..." Logan asked in amazement. I've been a jerk to her through the years and she still likes me?... How could I do that to her?... Why did I torture her like that?... Logan thought as he waited for Leigh's answer. "I could always trust you, but... I don't know anymore... All I know is that I'm moving and I'll probably won't ever see you again..." Leigh said as tears started to pour out of her eyes.  Logan hugged her tightly and Leigh hugged back while crying into his chest. "Promise me that we will talk to each other as much as possible..." Leigh said through her tears. "I promise." Logan said as he kissed her head. This was going to be a short reunion between Leigh and Logan...

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