Chapter 6

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~*~6 Years Later~*~

     "Logan! Let's go!" James said as he waited for Logan to get his bags to go to London. Does she remember me?... Logan gave his bags to James once he finished packing and they both went to the car. James placed Logan's bags in the back of the truck as Logan got in the back seat with Kendall. Logan look out the window lost in his thoughts. Does she remember me?... Did she keep the necklace I gave her 6 years ago?... Is she still the same fun loving girl I knew back in high school?... Is she single?... Logan thought. "Earth to Logo!" Kendall said as he waved his hand in front of his face. "W-What?..." Logan asked as he was brought out of his thoughts. "Are you ready to go man?" Kendall asked. Logan hesitated for a second. "Y-Yeah..." Logan said as he looked back out the window. "Logan, are you okay?... You're usually talking a lot, but your not this time... Why?" Carlos asked as he slightly turned his head to the back seat. "Just when I was in high school... I had to be partners with this one girl... We got an A on our project, but she had to leave the school because her parents got a better job offer and she... left me..." Logan explained as he held back the tears that were threatening to pour out of his eyes. "You liked her a lot didn't you?" James asked as he drove. "I loved her... More then life actually... She was so much more then what people said..." Logan said as he let a tear fall and roll down his cheek. "Where did she move to?..." Kendall asked. Logan looked down and waited a few minutes before answering him. "London. The place where we are performing some shows..." Logan said as he tried avoiding eye contact. "How long has it been since you talked to her?" James asked as he pulled into a parking spot at the airport. "6 years ago..." Logan said as he almost broke down in tears.


     Leigh had everything pack. Everything. Some of her stuff was already in London. She grabbed her remaining  bags and took one last look at her room. Her old room. Soon footsteps were heard running up the stairs. She looked over and saw Logan. "Please tell me this is a dream..." Logan said as he slowly walked towards her. "Why do you say that?" Leigh asked. "Because I realized something... Something very important..." Logan said as he stood a couple inches away from Leigh. "And let me guess... You found a new girlfriend." Leigh said. "Nope." "Oh really now..." "Leigh, just please listen to me..." Logan said as he gazed into Leigh's eyes. "Go ahead and say it." Leigh said a little irritated. She was about to cry because she was leaving her childhood crush, Logan. She didn't want him to see her cry, but that would be hard to hold back now. "Leigh, I realized something after all these years. Every girl I dated never did seem to make me happy, but when I was with you... I felt... happy. I felt whole, like nothing was missing and I know our leaving to London, but I've wanted to do this for a super long time..." Logan said as he leaned in. Leigh had tears starting to pour down out of her eyes as she leaned in also. Soon, their lips were together moving in sync with one another. Leigh wrapped her arms around Logan's neck while Logan placed his hands on her hips. Soon they started to make out.

     Leigh pulled away and looked into Logan's eyes. Logan did the same to her. "I love you Leigh..." Logan said softly. "I love you too Logan..." Leigh said in a crackly voice. Her tears were stained on her face. "I wanted to give you this..." Logan said as he pulled out a blue box gave it to Leigh. She opened it and there was a copper heart. Nothing engraved in it. Then she looked at Logan and saw a square that said MY IS TAKEN. She took the heart out of the box and took Logan's part in her hands. She placed the heart where  the space was and smiled. Leigh looked at Logan and smiled through her tears. "Promise me that you'll where it everyday of the year and never forget me." Logan said. "I promise." Leigh said and smiled more. Logan leaned in and kissed Leigh one last time before she had to leave. Leigh kissed back. They pulled away to see each other crying. "I have to go now..." Leigh said as she began to reach for her bags. "I'll get them for you." Logan said as he took her bags and carried them to the car. "See ya soon Logan..." Leigh said as she got in the car. "Bye..." Logan said and waved to her as she was driven away out of his life. Forever...

~*~End of Flashback~*~

~*~London, England~*~

     A lonely woman was walking through the park. Looking around, taking in the scenery. She looked over and saw an old blue box. It said POLICE BOX. She looked at a man walking towards it. He had a bow tie on. A red one. A face that said, 'Alone.' He opened the box door and went inside. The woman quickly walked towards the box. She kept a look out to see if anyone was following her. When she reached the door, hesitantly raised her hand and made it a fist. She then gently knocked on the door and then hide to the side of the box. The man came out. "Ello?" Then man asked as he looked around. The woman moved slowly and quietly to the back of the box. She heard the door close and footsteps come around the box. She moved to another side of the box. Then to the front. The footsteps were close. She looked to one side then to the other to see the man smiling. "Hello." The man said. "Oh, hi." The woman said a little frightened. "What's your name miss?" The man asked. "Leigh. Leigh Smith." Leigh said. She smiled as the man smiled. "What's your name sir?" Leigh asked. "The Doctor. Just the Doctor." The Doctor said. "Doctor who?" Leigh asked. "Exactly!" The Doctor said.

     "And cut!" The director shouted and the scene ended. "You did great Leigh." Noah said, who played the Doctor. "You did great too Noah." Leigh said as they started walking towards their trailers. Noah went in his and Leigh went in hers. She took off all her make up and looked at her phone. Leigh looked through her photos and saw a picture of her and Logan when they were little. Does he remember me? Does he still have the necklace he gave me? Is he still the kind-hearted loving friend I knew back in high school? Leigh thought as she looked at herself in the mirror.

      Someone knocked on her door. "Come in." Leigh said as she turned towards the door. "Leigh?" Noah asked as he came in. "Yeah Noah?" Leigh asked. "You okay?" Noah asked. "Yeah why?" Leigh asked a little confused. "You just don't seem like yourself..." Noah said. "I just remembered a friend from high school that I left back in America..." Leigh said as she looked down. "Wait isn't it that Logan guy?" Noah asked. "Yes..." Leigh said. "I heard that he is in a band called Big Time Rush and they are doing some concerts here in London." Noah said. "Really?!" Leigh asked excitedly. "I can get you a backstage pass if you want me too." Noah said. "Just get me a VIP ticket close to the front. I want to see if he remembers me." Leigh said. "Alright." Noah said and smiled. Leigh got up and hugged Noah tightly. Noah hugged back. "Thank you so much Noah." Leigh said in his chest. "Welcome Leigh." Noah said and smiled. I hope he remembers me.... I hope she remembers me...

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