Chapter 7

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     Logan was sitting in the bus alone. He knew that Leigh had to be here or she left. "Logan!" James said as he stepped onto the bus. "What?..." Logan asked in a lifeless, zoned out tone. "Dude... You need to come to rehearsal. I hear that Leigh is coming..." James said, trying to cheer him up. "She is too busy doing whatever she does to come to her almost boyfriend's concert..." Logan said in a monotone voice. He showed no emotion as he stared at the carpet floor of the bus. "But... She tweeted. "@1LeighSmith said 'Can't wait 2 go 2 BTR's concert tonight! #Rushers #Meetinganoldfriend'." James said as he read the tweet. "What?" Logan asked a little surprised. James handed Logan his phone. Logan read the tweet over and over as a slight smile crawled onto his face. James was happy to finally see Logan happy. "I c-can't believe it..." Logan uttered under his breath. James still heard him. "You better give your all tonight if you want to still want her to be your girlfriend." James said. Logan didn't listen to him. He was too busy looking at her Twitter profile. "She is still beautiful..." Logan said out loud. "You can look at her later." James said as he took his phone and grabbed Logan's arm. "We need to get ready." James said as he pulled Logan out of the bus.

     Noah pulled up to the arena. Leigh smiled as she saw it. "Come on, we gotta get backstage." Noah said as they both got out of the car. "Okay." Leigh said as they walked towards the back. Noah gave Leigh her 'All Access' backstage pass. "How did you get these?" Leigh asked. "When you're the 15th Doctor, you get some very cool stuff." Noah said with a smirk. "You are an awesome friend Noah." Leigh said as she hugged him. "You know it Leigh, now come on." Noah said as he hugged back. They pulled apart and walked towards the back gate. They showed the secretary guard their passes and walked in the gate. "Let's head over to the stage." Noah said as he lead Brianna towards the stage. As they walked on to the side stage, Leigh saw Logan getting ready with the other boys to perform. Leigh nudged Noah. He looked at her in a confused when. She looked towards Logan and Noah knew what she wanted him to see. "Go talk to him." Noah said. "Not now... If I talk to him now, then he won't be concentrating on what he needs to do." Leigh said and looked down. "You better talk to him sometime though. That's one reason why I brought you here..." Noah said as they moved towards side stage.

     Logan and Kendall were on the opposite side of the stage from James and Carlos. "Logan, are you okay?" Kendall asked. "How would you feel if your best friend left you for about 6 years and then comes back to see you in concert?" Logan asked in a down feeling tone. "I would make it my best show yet." Kendall said with a smile. "I'll try..." Logan said in a monotone voice. "You'll make your friend happy no matter what..." Kendall said as they music started and the concert begun.


     Logan walked off stage after the first half of the concert. Leigh watched him as he went into the changing tent with the others. "Go." Noah whispered in Leigh's ear. "After." Leigh said as she watched the tent intensely. Logan sat down and grabbed his water bottle. "Hey guys, did you know that Noah Jennings is here?!" Carlos asked excitedly. "Really?" Kendall asked. "Yes! I am going to talk to him after the concert." Carlos declared. "Good for you... I was trying to find my friend that moved away out of my life 6 years ago and I still can't find her." Logan said with a fake smile on his face. "She's around here somewhere. Just somewhere where you don't expect her." Kendall said. "She said she would be here. I bet she is in the crowd waiting to be your WWG." James said. "If I can find her in time..." Logan said. "Guys, get changed and get out on stage." One of the stage managers' said. The boys got changed and started to head out onstage. Logan looked at all the people backstage, but saw no one familiar to his memory. He continued to go onto stage.

     Leigh watched Logan as he performed. She had a feeling that he wouldn't notice her until after the concert. "How close were you two?" Noah asked. "We ended up kissing each other for the first time before I left..." Leigh said. Noah placed his arm around Leigh's shoulder. "Go up to him when the concert is finished. "Worldwide is next." One of the people said backstage. Leigh's heart started to beat faster. "Alright you Rushers! Who wants to be a WWG tonight?" James asked in the microphone. The crowd cheered. Kendall, Carlos, and James all chose their WWG. "Why do you girls make it so hard to choose?" Logan asked. The crowd laughed. Logan looked everywhere, but the place where he least expected. He gave up on trying to find Leigh and chose a random girl.

     Leigh smiled as they sang. "You okay?" Noah asked. Leigh looked at him and nodded. "I will go see him after the concert is over." Leigh said then she turned her attention back to the boys. Once the song was finished, the girls walked offstage and the boys climbed the stairs getting ready for the last song. Leigh walked a little to get a better view. The lights started flashing different colors as they all started singing. Stage smoked filled the stage. Leigh cheered for them as the song started. Logan's solo came  and he slightly looked towards side stage, where he saw a girl with a big smile on her face. He didn't recognize her.

     Soon enough the concert was over. Leigh was about to start running towards Logan, but all the interviewers beat her. "No..." Leigh whispered. "Try." Noah said. Leigh was about to go through them, but Carlos yelled. "Get Noah Jennings over there!" Noah looked at Leigh as a secretary guard grabbed Noah and took him. Leigh started after him. "Can I take my friend with me?" Noah asked. "Sure!" Carlos said. Leigh smiled as she caught up with them.  'Thank you.' Leigh mouthed to Noah. Noah smiled. 'Welcome from the Doctor.' Noah mouthed back. Leigh slightly gigged as they went inside a room. The secretary guard set Noah down and close the door. Leigh and Noah sat down and waited for the boys to come in.

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