Chapter 11

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         You were saying Mr. Henderson..." Leigh said, waiting for Logan to ask his question. "Well, would you like to... Nevermind..." Logan said as he looked away. "Say it. I wanna know!" Leigh pleaded. "Would you like to move back to America and stay with me?..." Logan asked as he gazed into Leigh's eyes. "I would love too Logan." Leigh said and smiled. "And I have one more question." Logan said. "And that would be..." Leigh said and smiled even more. "Would you like to be my girlfriend?" Leigh looked at Logan with shock. Can theybe boyfriend and girlfriend again? Maybe, maybe not. "I-I... I don't know... I honestly don't know..." Leigh said with sadness in her voice. "O-Oh." Logan said as he looked  away. "I'm sorry Logan... I really am..." Leigh said as she sat up and looked at Logan. "Leigh, it's fine... I totally understand..." Logan said as he looked down. "How?" Leigh asked in confusion. "You don't want to be with me anymore." Logan said as he felt tears building up behind his eyes. "That's not true Logan. Not at all." Leigh said as she gently touched his hand. "Yeah right..." Logan denied her. "Logan, I love you to death. I would risk my life for you. I'm just not ready for a relationship right now." Leigh explained. "You're scared that one of us will leave each other again, aren't you?" Logan said as he slightly looked at Leigh. "Yes..." Leigh said. "I can take you on tour with me. I don't have to leave you." Logan said as he gently held Leigh's hands. "Really?" Leigh asked. "Yeah, Carlos brought his wife with him last tour." Logan said with a wide smile. Leigh looked down as the silence grew over them.

     A few seconds later, Leigh looked into Logan's eyes. "Yes." Leigh simply said. "Yes what?" Logan asked confused. "To be your girlfriend again." Leigh said. "Oh... Wait are you tricking me?" Logan asked. "No, I'm telling you the truth." Leighsaid and laughed a little. She watched as Logan's eyes light up. He grabbed Leigh and picked her up and spun around. "I love you so much!" Logan said as he spun around. "I love you so much too!" Leigh giggled as Logan sat her down. "I aways knew you were the best." Logan said. "Good. Now I have to get ready for the show." Leigh said as she playfully pushed Logan out the door.

~*~Several Hours Later~*~

     "Come on Leigh! Just fall!" The director said. "I can't! I'm scared." Leigh protested. Logan came up and stood beside her. "I'll jump with you the first time." Logan said as he gently took Leigh's hand in his. "Okay." Leigh said shaky. "We can edit him out! Now, action!" The director said. Leigh grabbed onto Logan tightly. Logan looked at Leigh and smiled. Leigh closed her eyes and took a deep breath. They slowly walked towards the edge. Step by step, their heart beat faster and faster.

     Leigh took her last step and her body began to crumble as the air rushed up around her body. She slowly opened her eyes and looked down as a tear started to fall. She looked up and saw the board that she jumped off of get smalled. Leigh felt her feet hit the big blow up mat. Her and Logan's body crumbled into it. Leigh let out a big sigh in relief. "Are you okay?" Logan asked. Leigh nodded her head. "And cut! Great job! Leigh your finished for the day!" The director said.

     Logan helped Leigh off the mat. "Thank you so much Logan." Leigh said as she tightly hugged him. "Anytime Leigh... Anytime." Logan said as he hugged her back. They pulled away and walked back to Leigh's dressing room.

     As Leigh brushed her hair, Logan came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. Leigh blushed as she kept brushing her hair. "You look beautiful Leigh." "Thanks Logiebear." Leigh said and giggled a little. Logan smiled. "You just had to didn't you?" Logan asked. "Yep!" Leigh said as she finished brushing her hair. She turned to face Logan. Logan gently held her hip. "I love you." Leigh said. "I love you too." Logan said as he leaned in. Leigh placed her finger on Logan's leips, stopping him. "We haven't had our first date as boyfriend and girlfriend yet." Leigh said. Logan got an idea and smirked. "Will you go on a date with me?" Logan asked. "Yes." Leigh answered and took her finger off his lips. "Good 'cuz the date starts now." Logan said as he quickly leaned in and connected his and Leigh's lips together. They started to move in sync. Leigh smiled in the kiss while Logan kissed herder. Leigh gently moaned against his lips. Logan pulled away and looked into Leighs eyes. Leigh looked back into his. "Take me home, please." Leigh whispered. Logan smirked and nodded his head. Logan helped Leigh get her stuff and they left.

     Once they entered Leigh's house, Logan put her stuff on the floor and lifted Leigh in a bridal style. He carried her to Leigh's room. Logan gently laid her on her bed and slowly crawled on top of her. "The best way to start a realtionship again." Leigh said as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Definitely, Ms. Leigh Smith." Logan said as he slowly leaned in and kissed Leigh gently. Leigh placed one hand behind Logan's head and kissed him harder. Logan moaned against Leigh's lips. Leigh smirked in the kiss. Logan pulled away and took off his shirt. Leigh starred at his naked upped body in delieght. "Like what you see Ms. Smith?" Logan asked as a smirk slowly crawled onto his face. Leigh blushed and looked down. Logan slowly pulled Leigh back close tobhis chest. Leigh placed her hands on his chest and looked into his eyes. "Even better than last time I saw you like this." Leigh said as she ran her hand up and down his chest. "Good. I love surprising you." Logan said as he placed his hands on her hips. Leigh looked at him and smiled. Logan leaned in and they started to kiss once more.

~*~The Next Few Days~*~

     Leigh was packing her stuff. She is finally moving to America with Logan. "I have too much stuff..." Leigh mumbled to herslef as she finished packing up the last few boxes. She picked up a few boxes and carried them to the front door. The movers would be here any minute. Leigh took one last look through her house, to make she she got everything. It was weird seeing her London home so empty and lifeless. "Everything must go at one point in everyone's life." Leigh whispered to herself. "Everyone says goodbye." She whispered to herself again as she went downstairs to wait for the movers.

~*~Many Hours Later~*~

     Leigh was unpacking her stuff in Logan's two-bedroom apartment. Logan gave Leigh his room. "You know that you didn't have to give up your room for me." Leigh said as she unpacked her clothes. "But I wouldn't be a gentleman if I didn't." Logan protested. "I would have been fine in the other room." Leigh said as she hung up a couple of dresses. "You deserve the bigger closet Leigh." Logan said as he wrapped his amrs around Leigh's waist. "No I don't." Leigh said as she leaned her head back on Logan's chest. Logan kissed her head. "Okay, I give up. You win." Leigh said. Logan slightly smirked. "THat was the plan." Logan said. "You always win because I let you." Leigh said with a little chuckle. "I'm glad that you do, my beautiful lady." Loogan siad as he kissed her cheek then left to finished fixing his room.

     Leigh finished her room and layed down on her bed in relief. Logan walked in and leaned against the door frame. "Wanna go out with me tonight?" Logan asked. "Can we just stay here and watch a movie?" Leigh asked in a sleep tone. "Sure." Logan said. "Yay!" Leigh said weakly as she felt herself fall into a deep slumber.

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