Chapter 10

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      Leigh was walking to her dressing room. "Leigh!" A voice sounded behind her. She turned around and naw Noah quickly jogging towards her. "Hey Noah." Leigh said as Noah gretted her with a hug. "Are you ready for your last episode?" Noah asked in a monotone voice. "I'm going to miss you." Leigh said as she pulled awa from the hug. "I'm going to miss my favorite companion." Noah said with a wink. Leigh giggled as one of the assistant directors' told Noah and Leigh to get ready for the last episode for Leigh.

~*~Several Hours Later~*~(A/N: For those of you who don't know how long Doctor Who gets filmed, they film all day, everyday.)

      Leigh was walking to her car at the end of the day. Half of the episode was finished and ready for editing. She was driving across the bridge when someone on a motorcycle hit Leigh's side of her vechile. Leigh heard sirens approaching her before everything went black.

~*~Few Hours Later~*~

      Leigh woke up to beeping and brightness greeting her. She remembered driving homr on the bridge. That was it. Once she could see, Leigh looked around and saw Noah looking down. He had a worried expression on his face. "N-Noah?" Leigh stuttered. "Great! You're alive!" Noah said as he let out a big sigh in relief. "W-What happened?" Leigh asked confused of what happened. "Well, you were driving home on the bridge late at night and a drunk guy hit you really hard and gave you a minor concusion. The doctors said you were lucky to be alive. If you would have swirved the other way, then you would have fell off the bridge." Noah explained. Leigh tried to process everything that Noah just explained. "Are you okay?" Noah asked. "Trying to process everything you told me." Leigh said. "You get out of here tomorrow just so you know." Noah said. "Thanks for telling me." Logan said as she thought of Logan. "Did Logan call?!" Leigh asked as she widened her eyes. "Calm down and no, he hasn't" Noah said as he placed his hand on Leigh's hand. "He probably hasn't heard yet." Leigh said as the heart monitor slowed down.

      Soon, the sound of someone running through the halls was heard. Leigh and Noah thought that it was a nurse. Then, Logan came running into the room. "Is Leigh okay?!" Logan asked out of breath. He then loked at Leigh and walked up to her. "I'm fine Logan. Just a minor concusion." Leigh said with a smile. "Okay... I saw on the news and I almost went into a panic attack... I thought I lost you..." Logan said as he tried to catch his breath and hugged Leigh gently. Leigh hugged back. "I better go tell Steven that it's only a minor concusion." Noah said and left. "Thanks Noah." Leigh said as Noah left. There were a few seconds of silence.

      "Do you want me to stay with you and take care of you?" Logan asked. "Don't worry about it." Leigh said. "Are you sure? I can stay here." Logan suggested. "Don't worry Logan I'll be fine." Leigh said. "I'm still staying out here because I wanted to see you." Logan said. Leigh blushed. Logan smiled. "I hated life when I got the news that I was leaving." Logan said as he sat on the edge of the bed. "Do you still have the necklace?" Logan asked. "It's in my jewelry box at home. BBC won't let me wear it." Leigh explained. "That's not fair." Logan exclaimed. "I know." Leigh said as she looked at Logan in the eyes. "You have the most beautiful eyes, Leigh..." Logan said as he looked back into Leigh's eyes. "Thanks Logan... Your eyes look like chocolate chips..." Leigh said. "Thanks..." Logan said as he started to lean in. Leigh watched him and smiled a little. Logan was inches away from Leigh's lips. "I love you." Logan whispered. "I love you too." Leigh whispered back as Logan closeed the space between them and kissed Leigh. Leigh kissed back. After a few seconds Logan pulled away. They looked into each other's eyes. "Fine... You can stay with me and take care of me." Leigh said with a sigh. "Yes!" Logan said happily and hugged Leigh gently. Leigh smiled and hugged back. Leigh giggled as she pulled out of the hug. "Happy?" Leigh asked. "Very happy." Logan said with a large smile on his face.

~*~A Few Days Later~*~

      Logan was driving Leigh to work for the last time. "Thank you for everything Logan." Leigh said. "You don't have to thank me Leigh." Logan said. "But I need to do something to thank you for taking care of me." Leigh said. "Fine..." Logan said with a sigh. "Yay!" Leigh exclaimed as Logan pulled into the Doctor Who filming area. Logan and Leigh got out and walked towards the dressing rooms. "Need help?" Logan asked as he opened the door for Leigh. "I think I'm good right now." Leigh said as she went into her dressing room. Logan followed her. Leigh sat down on her little couch in her dressing room. Logan sat down beside her. Leigh layed herself down on Logan's lap. Logan smiled. "Leigh?" Logan asked. "Yeah?" Leigh said as she looked up at Logan. "Well... I don't know if you'll agree with me on this..." Logan said nervously. "Well, good ahead and say it. You never know, I might agree with it." Leigh said with a smile. Logan was about to say the wuestion when the door was knocked on. The door opened. "Leigh, you have an hour before you need to start getting ready for the last few sences." An assistant said then left. Leigh nodded her head then looked back at Logan. "You were saying Mr. Henderson..." Leigh said, waiting for Logan to ask his question. "Well, would you like to... Nevermind..." Logan said as he looked away. "Say it. I wanna know!" Leigh pleaded. "Would you like to move back to America and stay with me?..." Logan asked as he gazed into Leigh's eyes. "I would love too Logan." Leigh said and smiled. "And I have one more question." Logan said. "And that would be..." Leigh said and smiled even more. "Would you like to be my girlfriend?"

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