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Her eyes looked at her newest child. Sonic the Hedgehog. He was adorable. His eyes were emerald green, his little ears listened to the world around him, his tummy was puffed out, and he was the color royal blue. His siblings, who had been married into other kingdoms, looked at the young hedgehog. He looked at them, his smile never fading until his eyes saw two blonde hedgehogs. One of them was two years old and the other was thirty. The thirty year old hedgehog had his eyes set on Sonic. Sonic looked at his mother. He smiled and his eyes fluttered to a close. Slowly, everyone left the room. Queen Aleena smiled at her child, knowing that this would be the last time she'd see him this young and innocent. She feared what she had to do.

Sonic opened his eyes the next morning to find himself in the arms of a different hedgehog

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Sonic opened his eyes the next morning to find himself in the arms of a different hedgehog. She had blue eyes, ocean blue fur, and a blonde lock of hair sprouting from her forehead. Her husband looked the same. She smiled.

"Hi there. My name is Bernedette and this is Jules. We're your parents."

Sonic lived with Jules and Bernie for three years, until he got kidnapped on the night of his third birthday. Sonic was sleeping in his room. A scream woke Bernie and Jules. They ran into Sonic's room to save him, but they were too late. Sonic was gone. . .

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Sonic the Hedgehog- A Rising HeroWhere stories live. Discover now