Chapter Six

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I had stayed in my room for three days in a row, but it was starting to get difficult to stay put. I was suffocating from the lack of fresh air, I was a little less fit from my lack of exercise, I couldn't see, let alone open my eyes from my excessive crying, my muscles were stiff from my lack of motion, and I was starving. Even though I was hungry and isolated, I refused to go to the main house and I refused to eat. Tails was rubbing my back.

"You can't stay in here forever," he said, "You have to move on." I raised my head.

"How can I, Tails? I don't know how to move on!" My voice had not healed from my outburst three nights ago. Tails continued to rub my back.

"Go to sleep Sonic. Tomorrow, you're leaving this room."

I nodded and laid down. I closed my eyes. I had to move on.

It was the next night and I was still having a hard time moving on. I slipped away from Knothole without anyone noticing. I went to a secret place I knew of in Robotropilis: The Bottom of the Barrel Bar 'n' Grill. I decided to mend my broken heart by going there and flirting with every girl. As soon as I came through the door, everyone stared at me.

"What are you looking at?" I growled. They all went back to what they were doing. I saw some girls, but they were all too ugly to flirt with. I sat down at the bar. I looked up to see the bartender expecting to see another ugly person, but I saw the most beautiful person in the world! She was a pink hedgehog with diamond gray eyes. She wore a black leotard and fishnet gloves.

"What can I get you, Sir?" she asked. "Do you want beer or um. . .beer?" I had a bit of a disturbed look on my face from my lack of tolerance for alcohol.

"Um, thank you, but no alcohol please. I can't tolerate it."

She smiled at me. She leaned forward and whispered to me, "I can't tolerate it either." We both kinda laughed.

"What else do you have besides beer and alcohol?"

"Root beer."

"Um. . .sure. I can tolerate that."

She handed me a root beer. The girl and I talked a lot. Finally, I asked her, "So, what's your name, Babe?" She rolled her eyes at her new nickname.

"My name is Peaches," she replied.

"Peaches," I repeated. She nodded. "That's a nice name. I'm Sonic."

"Sonic," she said, "Sounds cool."

"Yeah," I laughed, "That's the point, I guess."

"Well, you'd better go. It's almost closing time."

I grabbed her arm as she turned away.

"Come home with me!" I begged, "I don't want to be alone! My girlfriend just broke up with me and I don't how to move on! I promise that we won't do anything weird!" Peaches stared at me. Her eyes were filled with sympathy. She smiled and took my hand.

"I'll be out in a minute." My heart fluttered at the sound of her voice. As soon as she was out of sight, I flew into a bit of a freak out. I swallowed hard, hoping that my fluttering heart had nothing to do with the way Peaches and I had been getting along the whole night; the way I was attracted to her. I stood outside the doors to the bar, willing myself to calm down. Just as my breathing was starting to become normal, Peaches came out of the bar and I almost had a heart attack! She was wearing a black bra, black shorts, and a blue jacket.

"Let's go," she said, gently taking my shaking hands. I never shook like this around Sally. I hoped that I was just having a series of muscles spasms. I took her all the way to Knothole. When we got into my hut, I ran to the bathroom to wash m face. I looked in the mirror and saw my cheeks had turned red from blush. I yawned and walked into the bedroom. Peaches was sitting on the edge of the bed. I blushed as she let her pink hair down and dropped her jacket to the floor. She turned and noticed me.

"Hi. . ." I managed to squeak.

"Hi," she replied. I crawled onto the bed and got under the covers. Peaches stared at me. Just as I was about to say something, she crawled into the bed and curled up next to me, causing me to blush She uncurled and wrapped her arms around me. I felt the same warm feeling I had felt with Sally fill my body. My heart pounded the same way, my ears twitched the same way, I blushed the same amount, and my stomach was all fluttery again. I hoped that all of this was just temporary, but it wasn't. Then, it hit me: I'm falling in love again.

 Then, it hit me: I'm falling in love again

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