Chapter Thirteen

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When we returned to Knothole, the Oracle was there.

"You have done well, young hedgehog. But now, let the truth be told." Elina Fairchild came out from behind him.

"Elina! It's been so long since-!" She grabbed my shoulders.

"Calm down. I have to tell you something. My real name is Aleena."

"As in Queen Aleena of the Kingdom of Mobius?" I asked. She nodded. She grabbed me again as I started to bow. "There's no need to bow to me, Son." The word hit me like a cannon ball. Son?

"Mom?" I asked. She nodded. I ran into her arms. All my friends bowed to me.

"Your Highness!" They said.

"Get up! You don't have to bow to me!" Sally grabbed my hand

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"Get up! You don't have to bow to me!" Sally grabbed my hand.

"Prince of Mobius! Will you marry me?!"

I pulled my hand out of hers.

"No," I plainly replied, "I have a girlfriend and I'm going to be a father soon. This is kinda too much. First you want me, then you dump me, then you want me again because I'm that prince you're always dreaming of? I'm sorry but the answer is no. Mom, I'm glad I found you. I thought you were dead." She smiled.

"Well, we all know that Mr

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"Well, we all know that Mr. PurplePants SlaveTrader the Hitler is a liar." Amy and I laughed. My mom had been watching over me even though I never saw her. I hugged her again. We heard Tails grunting.

"I brought you your present Your Majesty," he said. The stature that he had kept in his workshop for twelve years now glimmered in the light of the setting sun. Mom laid her hand on my shoulder.

"So, Son, ready to learn how to be a prince?"

I smirked and was gone in a second. I bolted over the hills and toward the sunset. The truth is, I don't want to be a prince. I don't want to deal with all the formalities and have the living crap smuggled out of me. I don't need that. I have everything I need. What I really want is to be myself. To be a hero running as one with the wind.


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The End

The End

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