Chapter Twelve

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I looked into the mirror and almost didn't recognize myself! I could see each of my ribs individually outlined by my skin. This is what Stan's death had reduced me to? I hadn't realized how much of my common sense was missing. Upon seeing myself in the mirror, I got hungry, but I didn't really care. I continued to stare at the corpse reflected int the mirror. I couldn't look at myself any longer. I went downstairs and to the control room where Robotnik was.

"Welcome to your new home, Hedgehog!" he bellowed. I shook my head. I didn't know where my home was. As fast as I had entered the control room, I left. I walked down a dark corridor of pictures of people who I thought I recognized. Then, I saw a portrait of Queen Aleena. Her regal purple hair fell down across her shoulders and her features were as elegant as her movements. I looked into her frozen purple eyes.

Please Sonic, don't make that mistake. . .I slid down the wall to my knees and cried. It was too late. I had already made the mistake.

Peaches cupped my face in her hands

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Peaches cupped my face in her hands. She had told me that she was concerned fro my well being. Ever since I had returned from Angel Island, I had been devoid of all emotions. I ignored her voice and looked at her abdomen. Even after I disappeared into the Mobian Jungle, she decided to keep our baby in hopes that once it was born, I would be there to meet it. Peaches ran her fingers over my ribs. I looked up to see her smiling at me. I ignored her smile, her love no longer bringing me joy, the memories of murdering Stan reminding me that I can hurt anyone and ultimately lead to their death. I took Peaches hands.

"Babe, I don't want to hurt you." Those were the first words I had said to her in two months. From my mysterious disappearance to right now. She cocked her head, confused by my words.

"Why do you think that you would hurt me?" she asked. I closed my eyes and turned away. She wouldn't understand if I tried to tell her about my past. I got up from the bed and left the room, following a robot to Robotnik's throne.

"Is your invention ready, Doctor?" I asked him. He snarled at me.

"I am Lord or Master to you, Rodent. Yes, my invention is complete. All I need is for you to charge it with your incredible speed."

"Of course, Lord Robotnik," I replied. Not only will I use this device to destroy those who have hurt me, I will also use it to destroy you as well, Master. I charged the device. Robotnik had the smile of a demon on his face.

"Now it is time to use the Doomsday machine! Sonic, if you would do the honors."

I looked to the doorway and saw Peaches standing in it, wide eyed and frightened. Her left hand caressed her swollen abdomen. I glared at her, feeling a weird anger flare in my heart. Without another thought, I fired the Doomsday device. I recoiled from the explosion that it created, falling into Peaches arms. Even after all this time, she still cared for me. As I looked into her eyes, felt the arms I was cradled in, a weird pain arose in my heart, a weird warm feeling filled my body. Then, I recognized the feelings in my body. The love I had been devoid of for so long was returning to me and I now realized what I had just done. I heard Robotnik say something about a missile. A missile?! I scooped up Peaches bridal style and ran all the way to Knothole. Man! It felt good to see Knothole again! All my friends bombarded me and asked me where I had been.

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