Chapter Seven

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Peaches was gone the next morning. I sighed with relief. It was probably just a dream. Then, I heard a scream.

"Peaches!" I yelled without thinking. I ran into the main house and saw Sally gaping at something.

"Sal," I said, "What's wrong?" Sally pointed.

"Who's that?!"

I saw Peaches and said, "That's my new friend, Peaches." Sally's eyes drilled into me as she asked, "Peaches who?" I replied, "It's just Peaches." I sat down next to the pink hedgie. Tails then ran out and jumped onto the couch, got briefly introduced to Peaches, and  turned on the TV. I started to smell something cooking. My stomach growled and for some reason unknown, Tails and Peaches started laughing.

"Sorry," I apologized to Peaches, "I haven't had anything to eat for four days."

"I'm sorry," she said, "You must be starving."

"I am," I said as I blushed. My stomach growled again. After what seemed like forever, we finally sat down to eat.

"So," Rotor said.

"Who's that southern belle ovah there?" Bunnie finished for him. I started choking on my food. Tails slapped my back until I could breathe again.

"My name is Peaches," she answered for me.

"She's my new friend," I replied. Tails leaned close to me and whispered, "Your new lady friend?" He and I giggled. Peaches gently hit my shoulder with the back on her hand.

"What?" I asked.

"What are you and Tails being so secretive about?"

"Love," I replied without thinking. Tails burst into laughter and fell out of his chair. I gasped and covered my mouth with my hands, my eyes going wide.

"Tails," I asked, "Are you okay?" Tails sat up.

"I'm fine, Sonic. You don't need to worry." I smiled. Then, my ear twitched. I didn't know what I had heard until my ear twitched again. My eyes went wide again. Sally looked at me.

"What's wrong? Why is your ear twitching?"

"He's coming. . ." I replied. "HE'S COMING!!"

"Who's coming?" Sally asked me. I nervously swallowed before saying, "Robotnik's coming!" Everybody stared at each other and then went ballistic a few seconds later.

"To the fallout shelter!" Sally screamed. Everyone ran after her. I shook my head. What do they think they're doing? I ran the other way.

"I can see you can't take a hint," I scoffed as Robotnik turned toward me. "How many times do I have to tell you? Get your ass out of the game! You're never going to win!"

"Oh, but I am rodent! I know how to make you give up."

I smirked at his stupid remark. "How do you figure that?"

"I can give you the things you've never had enough of. A gentle touch, a place of your own, food, and love."

I turned to face Robotnik. Hyde's image flashed before my eyes.

"How about it, Hedgehog? Join my side and I'll give you everything you want and need."

"Never," I growled. "I will always fight you! I will always fight for out freedom! I will never stop trying to stop you! I will never join your forces of evil. . .not when I'm good!"

"Destroy him!" Robotnik ordered. I spindashed his swatbots. Suddenly, a robot I didn't recognize drew a sword and swung only for me to jump out of the way. Even as swiftly as I dodged the sword, it still managed to a little more than slightly slice my stomach.

"What is that thing?!" I asked, ignoring the pain surging through my body.

"This is my knightbot!" Robotnik bellowed. I turned into a spin ball and charged at the bot. I unrolled, flew at the robot, and got my left cheek sliced by its sword. My cuts stung, but I didn't give up. Soon enough, I destroyed the knightbot and forced Robotnik to retreat. I staggered back to Knothole, the cut on my stomach stinging like a scorpion. When I returned, Sally ran to me.

"Sonic! You saved us!" she exclaimed and kissed my cheek

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"Sonic! You saved us!" she exclaimed and kissed my cheek. All I could do was smile weakly and hope my eyes reflected a stronger spirit. Bunnie cupped my face.

"Sugar- hog? Are your alright? You're turning pale!"

Tails removed my hand from the cut on my stomach. My glove was stained red with the blood spilling from the cut.

"Help me get him to the medical facility, Bunnie," Tails said, "from what I can see, the cut is pretty deep." As Bunnie and Tails tucked themselves under my arms in an attempt to get me to the medical facility, I whispered to Tails, "Remember the day we first met?" He nodded. "I've been thinking about the statue you made ever since. I just want to know, who do you think the missing prince is?"

 I just want to know, who do you think the missing prince is?"

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I suddenly found myself in my room. It was almost midnight. Peaches wasn't in my room. Come to think of it, I hadn't seen her since Sally told everybody to get to the fallout shelter. As I laid down again, I felt something furry beside me. I looked over to find Tails. Why is he sleeping in my bed? My head started to throb and I couldn't help but scream in agony and hope I was mute. Tails jumped up and grabbed me.

"Sonic! Are you alright? What's wrong?"

"My head hurts!"

Tails put an ice pack on my head and I instantly relaxed.

"Thanks Little Bro," I said. Tails patted my shoulder.

"No problem but please don't scream like that. I thought that someone was attacking you."

"Let's hope that I didn't wake anyone else," I replied. Tails nodded. "Where's Peaches?" Tails eyes clouded a bit.

"She disappeared during all the commotion this morning. We'll look for her tomorrow. Just you and me." I smiled. "Now go to sleep, Sonic. You need the rest." I closed my eyes and slipped into sleep.

" I closed my eyes and slipped into sleep

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