Chapter Eleven

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Tails and I reached the floating island just as some natives ran out of the jungle.

"Finally someone got my message!" One of the natives exclaimed. He took my hand. He was a red echidna with a white crest of fur on his chest. "I'm Knuckles and my friend over there is Yin&Yang." He gestured to a gold echidna with mulit-colored hands and feet, and red,  blue, and orange tipped dreadlocks. They took me and Tails to a part of the jungle where robots were attacking. I took out robots either by getting them to shoot at each other or spin dashing them. I had my back up against Knuckles' back.

"There's too many of them!" I said.

"It doesn't matter! All we have to do is keep them from getting to the village of Ablion!" I looked ahead and sure enough, there was a village. I took out about 30 robots within a single second as Tails, Knuckles, and Yin&Yang too out the rest. . .or so we thought.

"Look!" I yelled. Robots had snuck into the village and started attacking! We all ran into the village, taking out robots upon our arrival. Then, we heard a child scream!

"Stan!" Knuckles shouted. Stan was hanging off the side of a cliff! I ran to him.

"Hang on, Kid! I'll get you!" I reached out toward the screaming child and he reached up to grab my hand. Suddenly, a laser shot over our heads! Stan's hands slipped from the the edge of the cliff and he fell! I pushed myself more over the edge and tried to grab Stan's hand, missing by an millimeter! I watched in horror as Stan fell to his death. Knuckles, Yin&Yang, Tails, and I ran to where Stan had landed. He laid on the ground, his neck had been broken from his collision with the earth. Knuckles grabbed me by the throat.

"YOU KILLED THE ONLY CHILD IN OUR VILLAGE!" he yelled at me. "HOW DARE YOU?!" Knuckles threw me down. As he stormed off, Yin&Yang looked at me before following him. Tails looked at Stan.

"Man, he's dead isn't he?" he asked. I nodded. I scooped the child up and cradled him in my arms. I wrapped him up in a little yellow blanket. As I stared at his lifeless body, I started to cry.

"I'm sorry, Stan. I'm sorry."


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"Tails. Stop the plane."

"Why Sonic?"

"Please stop. I'll run the rest of the way. I need to clear my head."

Tails stopped the plane and I hopped out. He flew the plane away. I went into the Mobian Jungle and I  was going to stay there. I found myself fighting Robotnik's forces less, I was getting thinner by the weeks, and I was falling away from my heroic duty. One day, Robotnik came to the jungle. I made no attempt to fight his robots. Ever since Stan's death, I denounced myself as a hero. His robots cut through the bushes and formed a circle around me. They pointed their arm cannons at me.

"Surrender, Hedgehog!" They ordered. I raised my hands into the air. No need to fight. There's nothing left to fight for. Robuttnik danced around with glee.

"I finally caught you, Hedgehog! Now I'll roboticize you!"

"That's okay. . .I've got nothing to live for."

Robotnik stared at me. Then, his shadow was cast over me as he came to stand beside me.

"What do you want?" I growled. Robotnik scrunched his face into a painful pleading look with evil puppy eyes and just made himself look uglier that he already looked.

"I've heard the story about what happened," he said, "Such a shame that you killed that child." I had to look away partially because Eggman's puppy face was making me sick but mostly because I couldn't stand being reminded of murdering an innocent child. My throat tightened as I felt myself wanting to cry. All I wanted was to be freed of my guilt so I could get back to doing what I loved: Running and moving as fast as the wind.

"What's the point in roboticizing you if you'll willingly work for me? I can help you get revenge on all those who have hurt you."

My thoughts instantly shifted to the person who had hurt me the most in my life: Hyde. Ever since that day when he told me that he murdered my mother, I had wanted revenge on him more than anything. Now, my rage and hatred towards Hyde controlled me.

"Where do I sign up?"

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