Chapter One

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I sat on the floor just like I had done so many times before. Ashes covered me from head to toe. James sat on the velvet couch and filed his nails. I sighed. I just hoped that Hyde would never come back. James lifted his eyes to glower at me. I quickly looked away so that he wouldn't notice that I had been glowering at him. James went back to filing his nails. I looked at the fireplace. I had slept in its cinders and ashes so many times. They always proved to be a source of comfort for me. I turned to the door. My ears twitched as I heard him approaching. I sighed again and closed my eyes as the door opened.

"Time for our daily dose of fun, Lover Boy," Hyde sneered. He grabbed me under my arms and hoisted me up and over his shoulder. I didn't fight as he carried me down the hall. I was starting to understand that I wasn't in control. Hyde set me on his bed and I closed my eyes again, bracing myself for what was to come. Just as I had predicted, I felt the pressure a few seconds later. I bit my lip, forcing myself to hold back my screams of agony. Then, there came the hitting, the bruising, and the stabbing. It wasn't long before my screams escaped.

"Dad!" I yelled, "Stop it! It hurts!" I pushed Hyde back with my feet, but he was prepared for that. He grabbed my ankles and forced my legs apart. I fought him, tried to keep my legs as close together as I could, but Hyde won. He always wins. Hours later, I laid on Hyde's bed, dizzy from pain and close to passing out. Hyde unbound me from the bed. I stood up and went to the door. Before I exited the room, Hyde grabbed my arm.

"Someday, you'll have to submit to me and my love for you, Lover Boy." And for the first time in my life, he kissed me on the lips. As always, I didn't give him what he wanted. In the same room where I had sat earlier, I pushed open the window and looked outside. Birds were chirping and flying around in the sky. I smiled and thought, Someday, I'll be as free as those birds.

 I smiled and thought, Someday, I'll be as free as those birds

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