Chapter Eight

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I awoke to someone gently shaking me. I softly kicked whoever was shaking me and rolled over.

"Sonic!" I heard Tails voice say, "Do you want to find Peaches or not?" At her name, I bolted upright and asked, "When do we start?"

"We gotta get out of here before someone sees us," Tails replied.

"What time is it?"  I asked.

"Four O' clock a.m," Tails replied, looking at the clock on the nightstand.

Four a.m? That's pretty early. I thought. I yawned and stretched. Tails grabbed my hand as I slipped into my shoes. He started pulling me to the door.

"Hold on, Tails," I said, "I don't know if I'm gonna be able to stay awake. Let me get a cup of coffee to take along, okay?" Tails slowly allowed my hand to slip out of his grasp. He patiently waited until I had gotten my coffee.

"Let's go!"

Tails took my hand and we silently made our escape out of Knothole. When we made it to the place Eggman had attacked the day before, we started calling Peaches name. I heard a giggle in a nearby bush.

"Peaches, is that you?" I asked and stuck my head in the bush. Slowly, I raised my head and found myself nose to nose with a pink hedgehog. I smiled.

"Peaches!" I exclaimed and threw my arms around her. She giggled.

"Who's Peaches?" she asked. That's when I realized this hedgehog's eyes were jade green instead of gray. I pulled away from her.

"I'm sorry!" I apologized as I started to blush, "I totally mistook you for someone else!" She laughed.

"I say that to people all the time!"

"Let's try this again. Hi, I'm Sonic. What's your name?" I held my hand out.

"I'm Amy Rose. It's nice to meet you," she replied, taking my hand and shaking it. I thought Amy looked familiar. Then, I remembered! I used to be pen-pals with a girl named Rosie the Rascal and she once sent me her picture.

"Are you related to Rosie the Rascal?"

"I was Rosie the Rascal. I went back to my original name."

"Rosie?!" I asked, my eyes widening. Amy's eyes widened.

"The Blue Wind?!" she replied. We rushed into a hug.

"It's been so long since I've heard from you!" Amy cried.

"I was trying to send you letters, but I couldn't find a time to put them in the mail box with you-know-who around." I said. Amy giggled.

"I know. Mr. PurplePants SlaveTrader the Hitler."

We both laughed.

"Man, you look beautiful! Weren't you like four the last time I wrote?" Amy nodded.

"You look slimmer than you were in your pictures that you sent."

"Yeah, well, I've been starved since then."

Amy rolled her eyes.

"Mr. PurplePants SlaveTrader the Hitler!" We exclaimed together. Tails came out of the bushes.

"Sonic! Have you found- oh. Hi Peaches!"

Amy and I laughed.

"Sorry, Tails," I said. "I didn't find Peaches, but I did find and old friend of mine. This is Amy Rose."

"Hi," they greeted each other.

"It's about time we got back to Knothole. Everyone's going to be waking up soon."

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