Chapter Three

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I yawned as I sat down in the main house in Knothole. Sally put her hand on my shoulder.

"What happened last night? You were screaming in your sleep."

I shuddered, remembering the nightmares I had the night before.

"I don't wanna talk about it," I replied.


"I had nightmares about the cause of why I came here. Nightmares about my dad." Sally realized that the nightmares were personal so she decided to not ask anymore questions. My stomach growled.

"I thought you would be hungry after all the excitement yesterday," Sally said.

"Yeah," I agreed, "That and the fact that I haven't eaten in a few days." Sally smiled an apologetic smile. I returned her smile. Tails sat down on the couch next to me.

"Good morning, Sonic!"


"Would you like to watch TV?" Tails asked. I cocked my head.

"What's TV?"

Tails eyes went wide.

"TV? You don't know what TV is? It's only the best form of entertainment in the universe!" Tails turned on the TV and I was instantly absorbed with fascination. Sally came in and turned off the TV after a while.

"Breakfast guys," she said. Tails jumped up and followed her to the table. I sat down. I stared at all the food on the table.

"What's up with you?" Sally asked, "You're acting like you've never seen food before."

"I've never seen this much food in one place before!"

Everyone kinda stared at each other.

"What kind of home have you been living in?" Sally asked.

"A broken one. I was treated like a slave."

Everyone shut up. They could tell that I didn't want to talk about things like that.

"I had an awkward dream last night," I said. "I dreamed that I had a puppy. It transformed into the now missing queen, then another lady, then it transformed into a guy, who became a robot who became another robot guy and then, it transformed back into a puppy. The puppy said, 'Don't you understand?' Then, I woke up."

"That's interesting," Tails said. I nodded. Sally cleaned up the table.

"I hope you guys are ready. We have a mission today?"

"A mission?" I asked, "Can I come?"

"Well, you're a rookie-"

"I know a thing or two about self-defense. When my dad tortured me all the time, I had to learn to fight to protect myself right?"

Sally nodded and smiled.

"Sure. I guess you can come.'

Soon, we were in enemy territory.

"So what are we looking for?" I asked.

"His fortress," Sally replied.

"Whose fortress?"

"Sonic! Shut up or I will have to send you back!"

I shut up. The city was kinda creepy. It was filled with dark clouds, the color of the city was dark, and it was all robotic.

"We're here," Sally whispered.

"Where?" I asked.

"The enemy's fortress!" she replied, "Pay attention!"

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