Chapter Five

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Sally and I had gotten really close in our relationship in the past three months. Sally and I were sitting on a bench, eating ice cream, when the skunk that she had met a week ago approached us. He put his hand on Sally's shoulder. She was startled and whipped around.

"Calm down, Luv," he said, "It's only me." Sally smiled.

"Hi, Geoffrey," she said.

"St. John," I growled quietly.

"I was wondering if you could show me the sights, Mate?" he asked her.

"Sure," she replied. She stood up and took St. John's hand. They walked away together. I felt like almost giving myself up for roboticization! She didn't even say, "See ya later, Sonic-bug!" My heart burned with jealousy and depression. She acts like I don't even exist when Geoffrey is around. I sat on the bench alone. Jus me and my melting ice cream.

 Jus me and my melting ice cream

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Later that evening, Sally came into my room

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Later that evening, Sally came into my room. At least our night-time slumber parties hadn't vanished with the rest of our love. I guessed that if I had sex with Sally now, it would mark her as belonging to me. Sally came in and turned on the lights. I shielded my eyes from the intense light. She didn't usually do this. Sally sat on the edge of my bed.

"Sonic," she said, "It's over." I cocked my head.

"What's over?" I asked.

"Us," she replied. "I'm breaking up with you. I'm in love with Geoffrey St. John now."

My heart shattered. I couldn't have heard right. She loves Geoffrey?

"But I thought that you loved me!" I replied, getting ready to cry. Sally deeply exhaled.

"I do love you. It's just that my heart now belongs to Geoffrey. He and I are together now."

My soul flared with jealousy, my heart bled from its breaking, my eyes flamed with depressing sadness, and the rest of my body burned with the pain of betrayal. I couldn't contain my emotions.

"GET OUT!" I screamed, "GET OUT OF HERE! GO! LEAVE! SEE IF I CARE!" Sally ran out of the room. "AND DON'T COME BACK YOU HEARTBREAKING LIAR!" I rolled onto my stomach and sobbed into my pillow. Why me? WHY ME? How could she do this? After so many years, I thought I had found someone who loved me! As it turns out, she never loved me to start with. Why can't I just find someone who loves me? Is that so hard? Is it that hard to love a hedgehog like me? Soon enough, I cried myself to sleep.

 Why can't I just find someone who loves me? Is that so hard? Is it that hard to love a hedgehog like me? Soon enough, I cried myself to sleep

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The next morning, I refused to get out of bed. I wanted to die. I wanted to be in a place where there's no pain, no heartbreak, and no one to hurt me. I wish I had never accepted to go on a date with Sal, I wish I had never agreed to be her boyfriend, I wish I had never seen her naked body in a hotel room, I wish I had never trusted her. I still cried into into my pillow. My eyes were red and swollen from the crying, but I saw no point in stopping. I would fade in and out of consciousness. The world was a haze and the people were monsters. Tails came into the room.

"Sonic, are you alright?"

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"Sonic, are you alright?"

I was lying on my side with my eyes closed and my ears viciously twitching. I was listening to the silence in my soul, the hollow beating of my heart, and the crying of my eyes. I pretended to be asleep and Tails gently shook me. I tried to open my eyes, but they were too swollen. Tails shook me again.

"Are you awake?"

"Why?" I quietly asked. My voice was raspy and hoarse from the screaming and sobbing the night before. Everyone had heard me crying and thought I was having a heart attack. Tails stroked my head. i raised my voice so Tails could hear me.

"Why me, Tails?" I asked, "Why did she do this to me?" Tails was the only one who knew about Sally's break up with me. He was so young and innocent, he was the only person I could trust.

"I don't know, Sonic. She's kinda hard to understand."

I sat up and hugged Tails.

"Do you love me?" I asked him. Tails smiled.

"Like a brother," he replied. I huggd him tighter.

"I love you too," I said

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"I love you too," I said. Tails patted my back.

"Do you want to go to the main house?"

I shook my head and laid back down. I didn't want to be anywhere near Sally. Not after the way she had broke my heart. I closed my eyes again and let myself slip into unconsciousness. As I did, I thought about Sally. She was the only person I ever loved. I would never find love again. I vowed to never love like that again, but something in my hollow heart faintly cried, "Don't give up! There's still someone out there who loves you!" I wondered, Is that true?

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