Chapter Nine

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Sally was making it extremely hard for me to escape Knothole. She had watchmen at every corner of the village, watching my every move. That night, I was going to run away. Before I could, Peaches sat down beside me. I said, "Hi," shifting my eyes to Vega. She held my hand and the same warm feeling I felt every time she was close to me overtook my senses. I tilted my head back and inwardly groaned. Why do I alway get this feeling when she's near me? I desperately didn't want to fall in love, but I couldn't help myself.

"Sonic," Peaches said, "Do you know the story behind Vega?"

"No," I replied, "Do you?" She smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Yeah," she replied, "I do. So once there were two hedgehogs that fell in love. When the girl's father found out, he forbade them to love each other. The spirit Vega made a bridge for them so that one night each month, they can be together." She looked down. "Just like those two hedgehogs. . ."

"We're inseparable," I finished for her. She smiled.

"I love you," we both said at the same time. My eyes grew wide. Hers did too. She almost cried as she flung herself forward and pressed her lips onto mine. I got the strangest feeling the moment her lips touched mine, something shot right through me, my heart skipped a beat in time, I was thinking tons of crazy things, her kiss felt like electricity. The night totally changed. I stared at her. I now felt horrible for wanting to run away. Peaches smiled.

"I know you're planning to run away," she said, "Don't make the mistake of not chasing your dream. Go. I'll wait for you. Even if I have to wait forever."

I fell into Peaches arms and cried. I didn't want to leave her, but I had to if I was ever going to be a hero.

"I love you," I said before we shared a bittersweet kiss. I slowly let my hands slip out of hers as I ran away, a blue streak bounding over the hills, leaving behind everyone he knew and loved.

It had been a few months since I had left Knothole and I found that in heroing, I had another passion: singing

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It had been a few months since I had left Knothole and I found that in heroing, I had another passion: singing. I had already written and performed a few songs. My biggest hit so far was, When You Kiss Me Like This. I hoped Peaches had heard the songs I sung. People were beginning to know me, I was becoming a world famous hero! I felt like I was something more than what I used to be. My catch phrase became, "Gotta go fast!" although I had thousands. I was feeling ready to go home, but it seemed like every place needed to be saved. I was in the news, I was in magazines, I was on TV, I was a celebrity.

One day, I was walking around in a village and I was really hungry, but of course, I had no money. A villager came to me.

"Hello, Sonic," she said. I blinked. Her voice was regal! The red cloak she wore draped her, but I could see a very regal pattern on her white dress, which she pulled her cloak over.

"Hello," I replied, not daring to show her that I knew she was regal. She gracefully curtsied to me. I bow to her, but the moment I rose, my stomach growled. I deeply blushed with embarrassment. I couldn't find any words to tell her how sorry I was. Instead, she laughed. She held my hands and I felt something I had never felt before: motherly love!

"Come with me, Sonic," she said. I followed her, being drawn closer to her as we traveled through the village. I felt like a young child trying to stay with their mother before she went to work and left them at preschool. I tripped over something and fell flat on my face! I sat up and rubbed my nose, seeing what had tripped me. Someone had stuck their leg out in front of me! The person emerged from the shadows. My eyes widened and I let out a little shriek as the rest of it caught in my throat.


"I finally found you, Lover Boy!" he yelled. "That little stunt you pulled so long ago. . .naughty, naughty. You're coming home with me and this time, you won't escape!"

Hyde lunged at me and I rolled out of the way. I was so scared, I was acting completely by instinct. As Hyde tried to stand up, I screamed, "Mommy!" at the top of my lungs without thinking. Hyde grabbed my by the throat and pinned me to the ground.

"I've told you a million times Runt! You don't have a 'Mommy'! And I'll tell you one thing I've never told you before. Your mother was murdered, and I'm the one who murdered her." My heart shattered and the pain I had felt my whole childhood, until I had escaped Hyde, returned. I couldn't breathe. This was the first time I had felt grief for a deceased person, especially my mother. I couldn't keep myself from transforming into a fountain of tears.u I cried as Hyde once again overpowered me. I knew what was coming next. He was advancing to harass me in front of the entire village. I knew nobody would be strong enough to stop him, and being so heartbroken for my mother, the only person I never knew or ever will know in my life, my will to fight died.

"Hyde!" I heard a voice yell, "Leave him alone!" The villager I had been following before came out of the gathering crowds, punching Hyde in the face! Hyde rolled off of me and I jumped up, attacking him myself.

"You're suppose to be weak," Hyde coughed, "You're suppose to submit to me!"

Someday, you'll have to submit to me and my love for you. The words from the day before my escape echoed in my mind. I couldn't help but smirk as I remembered them and saw the horrified look on Hyde's face.

"Never," I replied to Hyde, "You have to submit to me."

All the people were smiling at me

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All the people were smiling at me. I smiled back. The lady took my hand and led me to her hut. I now felt sorry for her. Her hut was only one room big! She had no bed, no table, no chairs.

"I'm sorry that you have to leave her. It's not fit for someone like you."

The lady smiled at me.

"It's not a problem. I'm sure I'll get a better place to live once Robotnik is overthrown. Now, do you want bread and jam or jam and bread?"

"Both!" I said, laughing. Then I apologized for not saying please.

"It's alright," she said, handing me a jam sandwich. We sat down on the floor. I was finished eating before her.

"Why don't you take off your cloak and stay a while?" I asked, wanting to see her face. She pulled her hood down. Se was a lavender hedgehog with purple hair and matching eyes. I stared at her. She really was regal! A gentle smile appeared on her peach muzzle as red blush appeared on mine.

"Who are you?" I found myself asking.

"I am Elina Fairchild, at your service."

I smiled at Elina.

"No," I replied, "As defender of peace, I am at your service." She smiled at me. I looked at her again, noticing something.

"Do you realize how much you look like Queen Aleena of the Kingdom of Mobius?" I asked.

"And you like her son?" she replied. I rolled my eyes.

"Everyone says that. I don't even know my mother." I cast my eyes downward. I missed her so much and the fact that Hyde had murdered her when I was a baby made it hurt more. Elina lifted my chin.

"I know it hurts," she said, "Don't give up hope. You're making her proud." I smiled.

"Thanks. I should go home now though. My friends are waiting for me."

"Go to them," Elina said, "I hope we meet again."

"Don't worry, we will."

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