Chapter Two

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Hyde told me that he and James were going shopping. I nodded, finally seeing my chance to get away from him for good. I waited until Hyde was gone. I searched James' room and found a camo bag. I stuffed it with food from the kitchen and a few bottles of water. Then, I put it in a backpack with a few other things. I squeezed myself out of the half-open window. I looked around and made a beeline fro the woods, I didn't stop running until sunset. I set my backpack under a tree and laid on top of it. It wasn't as comfortable as the cinders and ashes back at Hyde's place, but it beat getting tortured. I was free. I looked up through the branches of the trees and I knew Hyde would be looking for me the next day. I couldn't rest. At least not yet. I strapped on my backpack and continued to run toward the edge of the forest.

 I strapped on my backpack and continued to run toward the edge of the forest

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The next morning, I reached a place called Knothole Village. I had found a tree stump and sat on it only to fall into a dark tunnel. I slid through the tunnel like a child on a slide. Then, it hit me. The tunnel was a slide! Suddenly, I saw the end of the slide. I fell off and landed on my butt. I walked through the village of huts and beauty until I bumped into someone behind me. I whipped around to see the person. It was a chipmunk. She had a cautious look on her face and he blue eyes drilled into me.

 She had a cautious look on her face and he blue eyes drilled into me

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"Who are you and how did you find this place?" she asked.

"I just got tired and I sat on a tree trunk that turned out to be a tunnel that brought me here!" I replied, startled. Her expression softened. She believed me.

"Who are you?" she asked again. She circled my body and inspected it.

"My name is Sonic," I told her. She stopped in front of me.

"How did you get those cuts on your body?" I looked at myself for the first time in days. I had bleeding cuts on my torso and legs. I blushed a bit.

"Believe it or not, I had to climb out of a half-open window to start my journey here."

She laughed.

"I haven't introduced myself. I'm Princess Sally Elisa Acorn, next in line to be the Queen of Mobius. . .that is if the missing prince will have me."

I stared at her. There was a missing prince? That was interesting. And her name, Sally. That sounded familiar. I just couldn't remember where I'd heard her name before. Sally took my hand.

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