The prologue

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There was once was a village that was taken place in the 1800's, there was a forest where no one ever leaves the path, there was wolves that will hunt down and kill anyone in sight, there was a man who was in his late 20's he was going to be a father. He was milking the cows, he and his wife had two cows, two bulls that are very friendly, two horses a few chickens, two dogs and two cats. They had quite allot of animals, they were going to have a baby, this has always been the best moment of their lives. The man whom name is John and his wife's name was Kate, they were going to have a new baby "I'm going to deliver some milk to the farrier, I will be back Kate." "Be back soon John, I love you." Kate then felt her baby moving inside of her "This one is moving around, I bet he or she wants to see us soon."

"Daddy will be back soon sweetheart, take care of mommy now." John talked to his child inside of Kate "We need at least a name for him or her later John." "We should find a good name for our son or daughter Kate, I am sure he or she will look like us when he or she grows up." John kissed Kate goodbye as he walked out of the house, he grabbed a few bottles of milk who he was going to ride his horse to give them to the farrier who makes horseshoes, who wasn't so far from where John lived with his wife, so John saddled up his horse, got on and had the few bottles of milk in a bag that was around John's body. He galloped off and then got to the house where the farrier's wife walked out of the door to do some work with her husband "Here are some bottles of milk for you." John handed a few bottles of milk to the farrier and his wife "Thanks so much John." said the farrier's wife "Thanks allot John, when will Kate have the baby?" "Any day now, it is making me feel nervous." John said then there was a few village people that ran towards John on his dapple grey mare "John, Kate is having her baby." John galloped back home to see a midwife about to go in his house "You sir will have to wait outside, men are not allowed in while the woman is giving birth." John did what the midwife had told him to do, after 5 hours of waiting, his mother-in-law was with Kate whom was giving birth to her and John's child. John has been pacing back and forth for a long time, he was worried about Kate, but he was also worried about the child that his wife was giving birth to, the baker said "She'll be fine John, don't you worry, I am sure Kate will be ok with the child."

Then there was a cry from a newborn baby, John ran into the house as the midwife opened the door "You may now see your wife and daughter." the midwife said as John walked towards his wife who is holding their new daughter "She looks like you John." Kate smiled as the baby opened her eyes, they were hazel green like her mother's "But she has your eyes Kate, she's beautiful." John took his daughter into his arms, he rocked his daughter back and forth "Hello my sweet angel, I am your daddy." "That's your daddy Mia." Kate said "Mia, that's what our daughter's name shall be Mia." John said "You are going to be daddy's little girl, oh yes you are. Oh yes you are." Kate was handed the baby back by John. Later on at night Kate will smile at her daughter and sing to her a lullaby that she has always remembered her mother sang to her when she was a baby, she always know the lyrics very well to her mother's lullaby. She has sang it to her granddaughter whenever she was with Kate and whenever Kate and John were with Kate's mother.

Moonlight shining through the curtain lace at a full moon....

Everything is a perfect pictures on, a perfect face. Once you are a sweet angel in my arms.

You are what god have always made you, a perfect baby for me. It makes my whole world feel like it is, I have always loved you since the day you were born, and I have always believed in miracles and you are the reason why, so dream on while I sing you, my angel's lullaby to you baby.

As a year rolled by there was a attack of hungry wolves in the village, they were attacking everyone who was outside of their houses, John saw the wolves that were trying to go after the animals they had "I'll be back Kate, keep Mia safe." John held his wife's hand "Go John, they need you." John went out of his house to fight off the wolves that were attacking the village, many village men have been using rifles, crossbows and axes and other sharp weapons to kill the wolves, but there was one wolf that attacked John, he bit his hand as John was struggling to get free. But the other wolves pulled John down and killed him, they dragged his body away and into the forest. The village men never saw John again, Kate was so devastated that her husband was dead, but she wanted to live on more with her life and raise Mia her only daughter she has got left, the funeral of John had everyone who was there looked at Kate who was holding Mia, they were sad that John will not be there for when Mia grows up, one of the villagers walked up to Kate who was holding Mia "I am so sorry about what happened to your father, but we are all here Kate if you need to talk to anyone." said the baker's wife "Thanks Lea, I know that you and all of you can help me and Mia have a happy life, even if John is gone. He will watch over us."

The first song I used is Angel's lullaby from the show Reba, now I changed the lyrics and even add some to have the song stays up.

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