Chapter 10

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Cattivo and his wolves were going to attack the village at night when the sun was down and the moon and stars were out, Mia woke up and then ran to her village to tell everyone to have their weapons ready and even go into the dark dead woods to put traps such as bear traps and even poison to slow the wolves down and even kill them. Once she got to the village she got everyone to meet at the front of her village gate "Everyone, the missing children and other people who were took away from this village are being held captive in Cattivo's den which is located in the dark dead woods." everyone was shocked that Mia had been in the dark dead woods "I saw them when I heard about Cattivo's plan." "We need to get the wolves out of the dark dead woods by having bear traps placed and even poison on them, then we'll have the woodsmen get the children and the other people who was captured out of the den alive and even safely back in the village." everyone got to work at preparing for the battle such as it was going to be one hell of a night, the woodsmen went into the forest to put bear traps for the wolves and even poison to slow them down. The native Indian people had their crossbows ready and they were even in trees so they can stay away from Cattivo's wolves and they can shoot them down as they were running out of the dark dead woods. Mia who was running into her grandmother's cottage that was turned into her and Lupo's house, she saw that Lupo and Lupa have got annunciation and medical supplies for the people in Mia's village.

"We're going to the village to make sure the people there get what they need, we are not sure how long the fight will last." Mia helped Lupo and Lupa carry their stuff to the village where the towns people got them, Mia however wanted to see Rebecca but word in the village was saying that she was taken, Mia ran into the forest to find her, as she was looking around to find Rebecca she found the big red eyed wolf with black fur. It was Cattivo "Well my dear, I see that you decide to look for your friend." Cattivo swiped his paw on the yellow wolf's face which Mia fell to the ground "What are you bitch? scared of the big bad wolf? you're in love with Lupo aren't you?" Cattivo starred at Mia who got up "Where is my friend, take me to her bastard!" Mia growled "I will do the talking, and you will do the bleeding." Cattivo pulled Mia's tail which she yelped, Cattivo then picked her up and dragged her back to his den in the dark dead woods. Hours later Mia woke up to see the sun was setting and Cattivo's wolves were out there being stuck in bear traps and even dying from poison or being shot by guns and bows from native Indians "You will never win Cattivo, you will just be evil like the rest of your clan is." Mia said as Cattivo got up from her throne chair "I can give you Rebecca back, but first I have something in mind." Cattivo's claw traced on Mia's wolf chin "You will have to give me our puppies." "I will never have puppies with someone I do not love!" Mia bite on Cattivo's paw which he screamed in pain as he hit her head so she can let him go.

"I have lots of wolves in my clan because of this." Cattivo showed all the pictures of female wolves in the past "Every female wolf I come across never liked me so I raped them, and then after she has her pups I kill them. But there was one beautiful one and she passed away when she had her pups with me.. Well my dear, you will have to be my queen to have puppies with me, I want you to birth so many puppies so we can have this clan bigger." Cattivo grin evilly as Mia struggled to get free but just as Cattivo was about to force Mia to marry him to become his queen and have sex with her, all of a sudden Rebecca grabbed her gun and shot Cattivo in the shoulder. Then Rebecca freed Mia and they ran out of the dark dead woods, soon when they got to a safe place they stopped "Rebecca, I am so glad you saved me from being raped." "He wanted a new queen of his pack, he was never a friend." Rebecca hugged Mia "I am glad we got out of their safely." she said as Lupo and Lupa opened up the village gates and let Rebecca and Mia in, once they were inside the village Mia told the whole story, everyone was glad that Rebecca and Mia were safe and not raped by Cattivo. "Mia, I'm glad you are ok." Lupo muzzled with Mia and Lupa, then the attack started. The wolves that were not killed by bear traps, poison or the arrows by the native Indians were trying to go over the fence when woodsmen with guns shot them down and people with daggers and other weapons fight the wolves with them until they were dead.

After the battle, the people dragged the deceased bodies of Cattivo's wolves and buried them, the ones that died in the dark dead woods were burned to crisp. Cattivo then came out of the forest and into the forest he swiped his paw near Mia who got up and Lupo bit his master near his tail "You do not hurt her!" Mia who had tears running down her face starred at Cattivo with red eyes starring down at her "You killed my grandmother, Lupo told me when I met him." Mia then bit Cattivo's muzzle, as he was trying to get free from Mia's grasp with her teeth, Rebecca shot Cattivo in the chest which he fell on the ground, Mia let go as Cattivo bleed heavily as he died of blood lost "He was a big bad wolf, the real one." "He was the one that killed grandma, mother." Kate walked towards Mia, Lupo, Lupa and Rebecca "At least we will not have to worry about him anymore, now we can all live happy without any problems with Cattivo anymore." Mia with Lupo and Lupa howled as everyone cheered to their success to defeat Cattivo and his clan, as seasons went by to summer the dark dead woods recovered and replaced to part of the nice beautiful woods. Mia's grandmother's cottage soon became the home of Lupo, Lupa and Mia which they all live together. Mia and Lupo got married in the spring which brings us peace and happiness to their village and home, and Cattivo and his clan were never seen again.

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