Chapter 1

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Mia who was 8 years old was so curious, and even want to know new things and even try new things. Mia always have been only allowed to go in the forest when she was with a villager who knows how to battle wolves and any other things living in the woods that might try to hurt the little girl. Mia has also been working around the house helping her mother, she has been milking the cows to make butter, milk and other dairy things. Her mother bought a goat to make cheese so that was a bit more work but Mia knew how to do things, the animal work was what John used to do before his death. Mia was one day at school drawing a picture, she drew a picture of her in a Red cape with a hood for the background was a forest. The teachers saw the picture and was so surprised on how good at drawing Mia was "You are a very good drawing." "Thanks teacher." Mia replied, the teacher saw that Mia had did other drawings "Look how good Mia is good at drawing." said Mia's best friend who's name was Rebecca, she had always been Mia's best friend since they were 3 years old, all the students in Mia's classroom took notice of Mia's drawings. There was pictures of trees, flowers and animals that were very well drawn by Mia "She is really good at this." one of the students had said "She should be a artist someday, and sell drawings to everyone in the village." Mia smiled at the student's compliments on her drawings, but she was more into farm work for money and adventures in the village than being a artist, she just liked drawing and doing a good job on it.

Every time Mia goes into the woods for anything, she always went with her mother or one of the people in her village to take her to her grandma's house or anywhere else she knows that where she likes to go, is sometimes in the woods. Going there on her own was dangerous, there was wolves and other creatures that are living in the woods one day Mia was writing a love story or a girl who fell in love with the wolf "If I met a wolf, what will he look like?" her mother watched from her bedroom that she was day dreaming about wolves, they are beautiful. But they can be dangerous "Mia, it is time for dinner." her mother called, Mia went downstairs to see that her mother made chicken with buns made from wheat, butter from the cow along with milk and cheese from the goat "I was day dreaming about what would wolves be like, I never have seen one, so I wonder what they are." "Mia, wolves are very dangerous animals in the wild, they live in packs and they will hunt down anyone that crosses their path. This is why no one goes in the woods alone, not even children alone. Only the one who proves him or herself that she is able to handle things on his or her own, may go into the woods alone." Kate brought the chicken to the dinner table and cut some slices and pass a plate to Mia, on her plate there was; chicken slices, a bun with butter, cheese, a glass of milk and a bowl of salad "What ever happened to my father, mom? why is he not here?" "Some day Mia, when you are older. I will tell you why he is not here with us." Kate said, Mia loves to eat and sometimes she even eats too fast. The next morning Mia wakes up to have breakfast, she walks out of her house and skips down along in her village.

Mia: Hello, I am here. It's time to have some fun, hello my world. I am so glad you're here today. I am always a cheery happy girl, I love my work with the animals that I do every day.

Mia was skipping along in her village to deliver milk, cheese, wheat, eggs and butter to everyone in the village.

Mia: Good morning everyone, I have something to say. I am always curious about everything I see, it's like I have never seen it in years, I want to be the girl who I am that can travel adventures.

This whole world looks like I never have been here, I want to go as far as I may please, but...When I am 20 years old I will be able to adventure out on my own, but my mother does not want me to get eaten by the wolf, I never seen one so how can I be sure? I want to know, what does a wolf look like, I am a girl who is worth fighting for when I am a adult. But I am a kid, and kids are not allowed to be on their own at a young age, I just wish I was older now, because I want to know what a wolf looks like to me.

Mia looked at the woods, she wanted to go in there. But despite how dark it is she did not want to on her own, maybe when she is all grown up she might change "Mia, what are you doing?" Mia turned to see Rebecca "I was just looking in the woods." "You know our mothers have told us not to go anywhere near in there." Rebecca said "I know Becca, but I want to know what a wolf looks like." Mia replied, she got out her sketch book "I want to see a wolf in person, even I have heard stories of them and even what anyone tells me, but I have to wait til I am older." "Trust me Mia, you do not want to know what a real wolf looks like. Even if it is in a fairy tale." Mia sighed "Maybe you are right Rebecca, I only go in the woods with someone or my mother when I go to my grandma's house." Later on that day Mia's mother had a surprise for her daughter "Mia," her mother said when Mia was getting ready for bed "I have a surprise for you." "Really? what is it?" Mia asked as her mother showed her a red cape with a hood "I made this for you Mia, so now you will be called Little Red Riding Hood with this on." Kate smiled as Mia tried on her new red cape with a hood "It fits mommy, can I wear it tomorrow?" Mia asked "I do not see why you can't." Kate replied.

(Now this song is based on a song in Beauty and the beast called Belle, I changed the song to Mia's good morning song so it is not like the song Belle from beauty and the beast.)

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