Chapter 4

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Mia was finally inside her village to see her best friend Rebecca watering her flowers "Hey Rebecca." Rebecca stopped watering her flowers to see that Mia was home "Mia! I'm so glad you're ok." Rebecca ran up to Mia and gave her a hug "We were all have been wondering where you have been." "I'll explain everything Becca." Rebecca let Mia inside her house "So tell me about what happened?" "Well Rebecca, I was on my way to my grandmother's house when I saw some pretty flowers, I picked some and then I got lost. I tried to find my way back on the path, but a wolf came out of the bushes and helped me got back on the path, I turned away to talk to my bunny and other animals friends the wolf was gone. So when I got to my grandma's house there was a chocolate brown wolf that said he was set up by his mater. His master has red eyes and his coat was black." Mia said as Rebecca chocked in her tea "A wolf? did he hurt you?" "No, but his master who has red eyes and black fur he killed my grandmother, the chocolate brown wolf was set up so he can kill me too." said Mia "He didn't like that he was set up?" asked Rebecca "No, the chocolate brown wolf's name is Lupo, he is a nice wolf. He comforts me when I am sad, he cooks for me and he even asks me if I am ok." "Sounds to me that he cares about you as much as I do." Rebecca finished her tea "I want you to tell everyone else in the village that this is what I saw and it is the truth, and also tell them that this chocolate brown wolf is not dangerous he is kind and nice he would never hurt anyone." Mia said to her best friend as she was leaving Rebecca's house "I will Mia, tell your mother this too." Mia walked out of her best friend's house and saw her mother milking a cow, Kate looked up and saw her daughter which returned home.

"Mia!" Kate ran up to her daughter and gave her a hug like she has not seen Mia in years "I am so glad you are home, I was worried about you along with everyone else in the village." Kate said "I'll tell you the whole story of why I did not come home yesterday." said Mia "Come inside the house for some milk and cheese Mia, and you can tell me the whole story of why you were not home last night." Kate and Mia went inside the house and sat on the kitchen table together, Mia told her mother the story of how she got lost in the forest for not staying on the path like what Kate told her to stay on, how she met the wolf that lead her to her grandma's house until he took off to see his master with red eyes and black fur, on how his master killed the grandmother and set the chocolate brown wolf up onto killing her, the wolf telling the truth that he was being set up and on how the wolf was nice and friendly "He seems to be looking out for you Mia, and he seems to have a heart in him." Kate was getting Mia's snack ready as Mia's stomach rumbled "I'm glad you're making a snack mom, my tummy seems to be saying that I would like a snack." "What is this wolf's name?" Kate asked Mia "His name is Lupo, it's Italian for wolf." Kate brought Mia's snack which was some apple slices and some water from the pump "Maybe tomorrow I will pop on by there with a picnic which we can have." Kate said "I have to go back and stay with Lupo at my grandma's cottage, I just don't want anything bad to happen to him."

"I understand Mia, I'll bring Rebecca over with me so we can both meet the wolf." later at night Mia ate her dinner with her mother as the sun was setting so Mia skipped all the way back to the grandmother's cottage where the wolf was having a hard time falling asleep "Hey Lupo, my mom and my best friend are coming here tomorrow." Lupo jumped up with a bit of a fright "What? are they going to hurt me? where? when?" "Calm down Lupo, my mother and best friend are not going to hurt you." Mia said calming down the wolf by petting him by the ears "They want to meet you Lupo, they said that you care about me and that you really like me." "They want to meet me? if you ever think of taking me to the village will the others there hurt me?" Lupo asked as Mia poured herself a glass of milk "I am sure they'll understand once my mother, and my best friend tells them everything that I have told them." Mia drank her glass of milk and Lupo began to giggle "You have milk on around your upper lip." Mia licked the milk off of her upper lip "Thanks for noticing Lupo, so tomorrow will be a nice change now that you will get to meet my mother and my best friend." Mia said as she changed into her pajamas "This will be fine, but Mia I am having a hard time trying to fall asleep, do you think you can help me with that? I mean, I can sleep without problems. It's just some nights, I just can't get to sleep for some reason." Lupo replied "I sometimes can't get to sleep either Lupo, I understand." Mia then reached into her basket and pulled out her teddy bear which she used to sleep with when she was a little girl, she gave Lupo her teddy bear.

"This is Teddy, Lupo. I used to sleep with him every night when I can not get to sleep, he helps me." Mia said, Lupo tried to sleep with Mia's teddy bear. But no matter how hard Lupo tried to get to sleep with Mia's teddy bear, he just could not get to sleep. "I do not know why I can not get to sleep, is there anything else we can try?" Lupo asked as Mia pulled the blanket over the wolf's body "My mom sang me a bunch of lullabies when I was young, maybe if I sing one of them to you, maybe you'll fall asleep." Mia said "We can try, I do not remember any lullabies when I was a wolf pup." "My mom sang me allot of them, but they're too many to decide. Which lullaby should I sang? there's one where my mom and grandma used to sang to me whenever I could not get to sleep." Mia sat beside the wolf and petted his ears and she was getting ready to sing a peaceful lullaby, the stars were out in about shining along with the moon who was out of the clouds and in the sky, Lupo was getting so comfy which Mia began to sing the lullaby that her grandmother and mother used to sing to her when she could not get to sleep.

Hush now- my story, close your eyes and sleep. Waltzing the waves, Diving the deep. Stars are shining bright, the wind is on rise, whispering words of long lost mothers and fathers.

Oh won't you come with me in your dreams, where the moon is made of cheese, and the morning sun will bring us happiness as we walk together. Oh won't you come with me in your dreams, where the clouds are made of cotton candy and where the flowers are lollipops. We'll sing the song of the past.

I had dream about you last night, and it was what I needed, I saw you in the light. With castles in the sky made of clouds, babies in their cradles. Don't cry I am always here, I will never go away. Oh won't you come with me in your dreams, where the moon is made of cheese, and the morning sun will bring us happiness as we walk together. Oh won't you come with me in your dreams, where the clouds are made of cotton candy and where the flowers are lollipops. We'll sing the song of the past.

Floating, floating, floating...

Oh won't you come with me in your dreams, where the moon is made of cheese, and the morning sun will bring us happiness as we walk together. Oh won't you come with me in your dreams, where the clouds are made of cotton candy and where the flowers are lollipops. We'll sing the song of the past. 

Lupo was finally asleep, so Mia quietly got back up and went to bed herself, and Lupo and Mia were finally both asleep.

(This song is based on a song from a Irish movie Song of the sea, I changed the lyrics so this story stays up)

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