Chapter 7

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The next day, Mia was out of the cottage and in her village all morning at markets for food that she needs. Lupo was outside of the cottage rolling around on the grass. It was late morning where he saw Mia with a wagon which was being pulled by one of her horses from her village, Lupo was a little nervous about being around horses because he has never seen one in his life. He saw that Mia got off of the wagon as she parked the horse and took her basket "What is that?" Lupo asked "It's a wagon, it is used to transport many things. And this horse is a draft horse that my father and mother use to pull wagons and plows." Mia replied as Lupo walked towards Mia "Meet my 17 year old draft mare, her name is Stella." Lupo was nervous of going near the horse, since horses are scared of wolves and other predators that live in the woods that eat animals "It's ok Lupo." Mia said "She won't hurt you." Mia took one of Lupo's paws and Stella smelled Lupo then Mia placed Lupo's paw on Stella to pet her "She's harmless Mia, you sure have a heart with animals." "I do take care of any animal Lupo, if they are sick or hurt I heal them." Mia said as she and Lupo unloaded the wagon and Mia put the horse in a stall where her grandmother had straw but never had a horse, her grandmother wanted to get a horse so Mia can ride it when she is at her place "My grandmother wanted a horse so I can ride at her place, but unfortunately she was killed by your master before I met you." Mia and Lupo went inside the cottage as Mia was getting lunch ready, Lupo was looking out the back window "Lupo, I am going to teach you something different today." Mia said, Lupo walked to the kitchen "What is that you are making?" he asked.

"It's pizza we are making, my best friend and grandma taught me how to make it. It's very easy first we roll out the dough." Mia and Lupo both rolled the dough flat "Then we put tomato sauce on it." Mia put on the tomato sauce "Then we put cheese on it, I put lots of cheese on it so are you ok with that?" Mia asked "I do not care if you but too much cheese, I love cheese." Lupo replied as Mia and Lupo put on allot of cheese "Then we put on any topping we want, I have peppers, pepperoni, sausage, ham, bacon and even pieces of chicken." Mia and Lupo put on lots of toppings on their pizza, Mia put it in the oven as there was a knock on the door. Lupo was reading a book when he heard the knock "I'll get it." Mia walked to the door and opened the door "Hello?" she looked around, but then she looked down to see a white wolf body with scratches on it and blood from a big gash on the head near the ear and eye "Oh poor thing, look at you. Who did this to you." Mia checked the heat on the white wolf body "It's still warm." Lupo who heard what was going on came to the door "What is going on? Mia what is it?" "I opened the door to see this wolf body lying here." Mia said as Lupo saw the scratches and a big gash on the head "That's my sister Lupa, my master abused her allot." Lupo replied "How did he hurt her?" Mia asked "I never had a parent that hits me, and that is a good thing." "He hits her physically and verbally." Lupo replied "That is not right, Lupo let's get your sister in the house and cleaned up." Lupo and Mia took the white wolf body into the cottage and placed it by the fire place for the body to stay warm with blankets placed beneath the white wolf.

Mia got a bucket of water along with a cloth and bandages, Mia began cleaning the blood stains and the wounds of where the white wolf was hurt and then used the bandages to prevent infections from getting in the deep gash and scratches that were deep "How long will it be?" Lupo asked "I have done this many times Lupo, it could be a while before the animal wakes up. But sometimes the animals do not make it." Lupo stayed near the body to keep it warm, Mia put on her red hood and cape on, then she went to the stall to tack up Stella. Then she looked up to see dark clouds "I hope I can make it back here before it rains." Stella and Mia walked to the front of the house "I know someone who makes medicine for animals, I will be back as soon as I can Lupo." Mia jumped on her horse "I'll stay here with my sister." Mia galloped on Stella through the forest and into her village, she made it to a healer of animals. The healer of animals looked up to see Mia in a hurry "Hello Little Red Riding Hood, what are you doing?" the healer asked "I need a potion for a wolf." "For who?" asked the healer "I found a white wolf on the door step of my grandma's cottage, it is injuried and she needs it or she'll die." said Mia "Ok dear, here you go." the healer gave the animal medicine to Mia as she paid for the medicine and she put it in her basket as the dark clouds covered her village, she knew it was going to rain hard. She got on Stella as the rain started to fall, Mia galloped down the forest on Stella as fast as she can.

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