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As seasons soon went by Mia and Lupo were having puppies, Mia who was a pregnant yellow wolf was carrying at least 10 puppies. Lupo was so excited to be a father that when Mia was getting closer to her due date he would not want to leave her side. One day he was hunting when Rebecca was cleaning inside the house when Mia was rolling on the grass, the doe and buck appeared to see Mia "Hey you guys." the yellow blonde haired wolf said as a fawn walked out from behind his parents, Mia smiled as the fawn walked towards her. She smiled at the family as the buck with his doe and fawn ran off into the woods. Mia then walked inside to be inside the shade in her house, then Mia felt a sharp pain in her stomach, she groaned as Rebecca turned to see Mia in pain "Rebecca, the puppies are coming." Mia laid down as Lupa saw what was happening "Lupa, go get Kate and then get Lupo." Rebecca said as Lupa went off, after a while of comforting with the pain of giving birth, Kate was soon there to help deliver the puppies, Lupa was back with Lupo which they all helped Mia during labor, after 5 in a half hours all 10 puppies were born, 8 girls and 2 boys were born "We're finally parents." Lupo kissed Mia who was tired from giving birth to her puppies "We'll be great parents Lupo, with Rebecca, Lupa and my mother's help. We'll be the best wolf parents anyone has ever had." her first born pup was a girl that had blue grey fur with blue eyes which came from her grandmother's they named her Amore which is Italian for "love" and her 2nd two puppies that are two females were brown like Lupo but had Lupa's green eyes, the two female pups that were yellow had Mia's eyes, and the rest of the female pups had white fur and most of them had Lupo's eyes, but one had Mia's hazel green eyes. The two males had their same color of eyes that Mia has but one was yellow and the other one was brown. Without anymore big bad wolves, everyone in the village of London lived happily ever after.

The End

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