Chapter 5

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Lupo woke in his nice sweet bed that Mia made for him, the sun was beaming through the windows. Lupo looked up to see two birds singing a song in the morning, he saw that Mia had gotten up before him and that she made him a bowl of oatmeal, Lupo had a messy breakfast but it was good to him. He looked out the window which was next to Mia's grandma's bed to see Mia gardening in her grandma's garden. Lupo walked outside to see Mia harvesting some fruits and veggies "What are you doing?" the chocolate brown wolf asked "I'm gardening and harvesting these fresh fruits and veggies." replied Mia "I have harvest strawberries, corn, tomatoes, potatoes, a watermelon, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and cucumbers." "They look great, we shall have the veggies for dinner and the fruit for the picnic this afternoon." Lupo said as Mia placed the harvested fruits and veggies in a basket "That is what I was going to say what I want to do, thanks for the idea Lupo." Mia then grabbed a free basket and grabbed a step stool and she was picking apples from her grandmother's apple tree "Did your grandmother grew this tree of apples?" "She did when she was young before I was born Lupo, when my mother was young. She and grandma used to pick lots of apples from the tree, we used it for pies and other things." Mia said as she grabbed a free basket as she climbed up the step stool to pick some apples "When I was a little girl I used to pick apples with grandma, we made apple pies and we take them to fairs and even sell them to the people in my village." Mia picked allot of apples and one fell on Lupo's head, he was dizzy and he fell backwards onto the grass. Mia was worried about Lupo that when she got down from the step stool, the first thing she did was to put down her basket full of apples and rush to Lupo.

"Are you ok Lupo?" she asked, Lupo shook himself awake to see that Mia was making sure that he was ok "I'm ok, I think that bird picked that apple that dropped on my head." Lupo took a bite of the apple that fell on his head "Really good," he took another bite of the red one "I love this apple, are they're more?" "Lots more on the tree, I picked a couple red apples, a few green ones and a couple of yellow ones." Mia showed her basket of different color apples to Lupo "Why are some apples yellow and some green?" Lupo asked "I am not sure, the green and yellow apples are good, but the tastes are different compared to what the red one tastes. The yellow one is sweet and the green one is just tastes the same as the red one." Mia and Lupo walked back to the cottage to wash some apples, some of them she sliced them up to make apple pies and the rest she put in a apple barrel "How you made a apple pie before?" Lupo asked as he watched Mia getting the pie stuff ready along with the apple slices "I sure have, my grandma taught me and my mom how to make them. They're easy but different pies sometimes can be hard." Mia said, after a few minutes the pie was in the oven baking, Lupo then saw two people walking down the path to the cottage "Who are those two people walking towards the cottage?" "That's my mom and my best friend." the knock was then hard at the door, Lupo was nervous so he hid himself under the bed, Mia grabbed him by the tail and dragged him out "Come on Lupo, my mom and my best friend are nice, they will not hurt you." Mia said as the knock was then heard at the door again, Mia opened the door to see her mom and best friend happy to see her.

"Rebecca, mom I am so glad you are here." Mia let her mom and Rebecca in and they saw Lupo who was on the bed acting like a scaredy cat "Is that a wolf?" "It is mom, but he is acting like a scaredy cat." Mia petted Lupo as he removed his paws from his eyes "Lupo, you're acting like a scaredy cat. Look this is my mom Kate, and this is my best friend Rebecca." Mia introduced her mother and best friend to Lupo who was a nice wolf "Hello Lupo," Rebecca began to pet Lupo, he loved the way that Rebecca scratched behind his ears "You're such a sweet wolf." "You seemed to care about my daughter Lupo." Kate said "I sure do, when I first saw her I knew she would dare to hurt anyone, so I end up becoming her friend." Lupo replied "I'm starving mom, I think we should have the picnic outside, it's a beautiful day." "Good idea Mia, let's go eat outside in the sun in the shade by the apple tree." Mia with Rebecca, Lupo and her mother went outside to have their picnic outside, there was many things to try for Lupo, and some how he liked all the new food that Kate, Mia and Rebecca have made, and for a treat it was apple pie. The next morning it was like at 5:30 in the morning where Mia was outside with Lupo, they were going to watch the sun rise.

"Have you ever watched the sunrise before?" "I have Lupo, many times when I was growing up. Me and my mom used to come up to a hill to watch as the sun rises." the navy blue sky was fading into light blue with clouds around the sun, there wasn't that many clouds there was a few clouds here and there but not too many "I love watching the sunrise, they're beautiful." "I howl at the moon at night Mia, and to a sunset I watch it." Lupo said as Mia laid down on the flowers, Lupo laid down on the flowers too as he watched the sun rising.

Mia: When all the clouds move away, so we can see the sun, and the rain is never here. Heaven always is a open door, when all the clouds bring rain, everything turns to fade away, there is a rainbow highway to be found, lying on the flowers looking at the sky, from this hill of flowers. To see a place in another world, just a step beyond the clouds, somewhere over the rainbow, way up high. There's a land that I have heard of, once in a lullaby. Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue. And the dreams that you want the most, they do come true, someday I'll wish upon a star and wake up where there are clouds around me, when tears are turned into smiles, as I see on the rooftops, that's where you'll find me.

Somewhere over the rainbow, red robins fly. Dogs run across the field over a rainbow, then oh why can't I try? someday I'll wish upon a star and wake up where there are clouds around me, when tears are turned into smiles, as I see on the rooftops, that's where you'll find me. Somewhere over the rainbow, red robins fly. Dogs run across the field over a rainbow, then oh why can't I try? if happy red robins fly along with dogs, beyond the rainbow. Why, oh why can't I try? 

(This song is from the Wizard of oz where it is Dorothy's song in the musical Wizard of Oz as interpreted by Ella Fitzgerald, so I changed the lyrics so this story stays up)

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