Chapter 8

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The next day Mia woke up to see Lupo and Lupa making breakfast, the smell of eggs, ham and bacon along with sausage was in the air, making Mia's stomach grumble as she was getting out of bed "Something smells good." she says when she put on her clothes and took off her pajamas and Lupo looked at Mia, he had something to tell her but he was not sure how will he put it "Mia, may I talk to you outside the cottage for a minute?" "Ok Lupo, anything I will do for my wolf friend." Mia said as she and Lupo stepped outside of the cottage "Mia, there is something that I have to tell you. At the moment we first met I knew you were a good person that you are now, I just wanted to tell you that....I have feelings for you." Mia was shocked, not only that the wolf cared about her but also her had feelings for her "That's sweet Lupo, I am very shocked because I didn't know those words were going to come out of your mouth." Mia replied "There is a request I am going to ask you Mia, will you become a wolf?" Lupo asked "Yes Lupo, when I do we can then be wolf friends forever, I just need to find out how can I do that?" "There are 3 things that you need to get to make the wolf shape shifting potion. First you have to find the rose of heart, it is only found by the king of London; he guards it so to get it you need to tell him a story, if he likes it he'll bring the rose to you. The second you have to find is the ageless powder of youth, it is found in a cave but there is a wizard who is very greedy and will never give it to anyone unless you trade with him. Finally and last but not least a piece of hair from the one who will be turning into the wolf." "When we get what we need, we can make the potion here." Mia said "Me and Lupa will go with you, but on the way we will stop at your mother's to make sure it is ok with her." Lupo replied.

In the village, Mia, Lupo and Lupa walked to see Mia's mother gardening "Mom, I have to ask you something." Mia said when she ran towards her mother to give her a hug "Lupo wants me to be a wolf, because he has feelings for me." Lupo told Kate why and Mia's mother looked at Mia "Are you sure this is what you want to do?" "Yes mother, I have always wanted to be a wolf for years." Mia replied "I heard you talking about being a wolf when you were younger." replied Kate "Your wish will come true." Mia and her two wolf friends along with her best friend Rebecca set foot towards the castle of London where the king lives in, he will give them the rose if they tell him a story, when they got to the castle the guards looked at the 2 wolves and humans "Hello knights of armor, me and my friends are here to see the king to tell him a story so he can give us the rose." Rebecca said, the knights let them in and the first thing Mia and her friends did was to head to the throne room where they met the king "Your majesty, me and my friends are here today to tell you a story so you can give us the rose." "What story are you going to tell?" the king asked "We're going to tell you a story of..." but the king cut Lupo off "Stories today are boring, how about telling me a joke." Mia and her friends huddled in a circle "What joke should we tell?" Lupa asked "Let's make a joke that will make him laugh." Mia said as she walked up to the king, she had a idea for a joke "Your majesty, what do you call a 3 humped camel?" the king never heard of the joke before, but he was starting to like it.

"I do not know, what do you call a 3 humped camel?" "Pregnant!" Mia said "A 3 humped camel means pregnant." Mia started laughing then the king started to laugh as well "Scribe, get me the rose." the king said while laughing, soon everyone in the castle started to laugh, the rose was brought over to Mia as she and her friends walked out of the castle "That was easy." "Almost too easy, let's go to the cave to find the ageless powder of youth." Lupo said as he, Lupa, Rebecca and Mia walked out of the village and into the forest to see a wizard who has the ageless powder of youth in a glass jar "Hello sir,can we please have the ageless powder of youth?" Mia asked "If you have something to trade with then you may have it." Lupa and Lupo made a pizza and gave it to the wizard "Pizza, I never had pizza in so long." the wizard took the pizza and gave them the ageless powder of youth, Mia and her friends exited out of the cave "That was easy too." Rebecca said, everyone returned back to the cottage to prepare the ingredients "We need hair of someone who will be a wolf, but we know it is Mia." Rebecca said "I never would cut my own hair." Mia replied "Just a little bit will not hurt." "Here Mia, your knife will cut your hair for the potion, do not cut it all but just enough for the potion." Mia took her knife and cut a bit of her hair out and placed it in with the rose and ageless powder of youth, all of them were stirred together.

"Now Mia, you must drink the potion." Lupo said, Mia nodded and drank her potion, then she then was dizzy and fell onto her grandmother's bed "She's not changing into a wolf." "She will Rebecca, the changes will be over night before she is a wolf for sure." Lupa said "She'll be a wolf before you know it Rebecca, we just gotta wait." Lupo walked Rebecca back to her village and then back to the cottage to see a crow who was on the window, Lupo grabbed the crow and pinned him to the ground "What are you doing?" "You and Lupa are supposed to kill Mia, not liking her as friends." the red eyed crow said as Lupo ripped the head off of the crow and buried him far away from the cottage, when he got back Lupa and Mia were still asleep.

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