Chapter 9

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Mia woke up the next morning having big eyes, ears, hands and even teeth. She saw Lupo and Lupa were watching as Mia woke up "You ok?" "I'm fine now, that stuff has worn the dizziness out." Mia looked at the mirror which was held by Lupa "What do you think?" the white green eyed wolf asked. Mia saw that she was a wolf with blonde hair, she had yellow fur coat with light yellow coat on the belly, Mia still had her hazel eyes "I'm a wolf, this whole transformation must have happened last night." Mia said "Thanks so much!" she said hugging Lupo and Lupa "I am glad we were here for you, and we always will for anything." Lupo said with a smile. Mia put on her red hood and cape, she looked at Lupo and Lupa "I'm going to the village to see my mom, she'll want to see me as a wolf." Mia ran off into the woods to her village, on her way to her mother's house out of the corner of her eye. She could see a boy getting beaten up by other boys "You think you're so smart aren't you Tom?" 3 boys were beating up one of Mia's friends, Mia who jumped out of nowhere growled like a wolf to get the boy's attention "Who are you?" "I'm Mia a yellow wolf, what are you doing hurting this boy?" Mia growled "We weren't hurting him." Mia swiped a paw at the tallest boy "Leave my friend alone, or I will rip you 3 into shreds!" Mia roared so loud that the 3 boys were so scared they ran away, Mia looked to see Tom had a bloody nose and some cuts on him "Mia?" he asked weakly "Is that you?" "Yes it is Tom, I am now a wolf." Mia said as she pulled out a cloth to clean up some blood off of Tom's face.

"I remember you in this red hood and cape, I used to call you Little Red Riding Hood." Tom said as he was helped up by the yellow wolf "I'm just so glad you're ok, those boys were assholes, why were they beating you up?" Mia asked "I don't know Mia, they just went up to me and I did not know what they want from me." Tom replied "Anyway, thanks for saving me Mia. I'll get going home, thanks for having my back." Tom walked away as Mia smiled, she knew she had to do the right thing even if it puts her life at risk. She went to her mother's house to see Rebecca helping Kate with the cleaning, Kate opened up the door to see Mia in her red hood and cape but she was a wolf, her mother and Rebecca almost didn't recognized her "Mia, I am amazed that you are a wolf now, you're ageless?" Kate asked "Yes mother, now Lupo and Lupa are ageless too, I am not sure why but I think they had a sip of the potion before having me try it to make sure it was safe." replied Mia, she walked to see Rebecca who was doing the dishes, Mia helped her best friend put them away "Mia, you're so pretty as a wolf, maybe you and Lupo might get married as wolves." "I have been living with him since I was 20 years old, I can't believe it has been a while after getting to know him that he told me. That he has feelings so me, and I have feelings for him too." Mia smiled at her best friend "I'm so happy now you have a wolf boyfriend Mia." Rebecca said rubbing Mia's wolf belly.

"So are you going to be careful of the red eyed black wolf?" Mia's mother asked "His wolves have been taking away children for some reason, and we do not know why. People just wake up seeing their children gone or dead, and even people being took but not found." Kate said "I'll have to see if I can find out where those people are." Mia ran off in a dash to the dark dead woods to see the red eyed wolf and his men in the den "Lupo and his sister are not back yet, why are they not back yet?!" "Master calm down, I am sure they are somewhere." said one of the wolves "That crow has not been there in days, well I say we attack the village where Mia is tomorrow night, we'll attack everyone and kill them one by one and then we'll kill Mia last." Cattivo laughed evilly as Mia saw the people who were took by the wolves who are still alive, she knew her village was soon going to be attacked by Cattivo and his wolves, she had to go warn everyone in the village. When everyone in the village was warn about the ambush that will be going on the next night the men started to get their weapons and traps ready for Cattivo and his wolves. Meanwhile Mia was in the forest alone where Lupo saw her and ran towards her "Mia!" he called as he caught up with Mia."My village is being attacked by Cattivo, I warned everyone and they are getting their weapons ready, now what can I do?" "You can fight them and help your people in the village out." Lupo said "And are you going to join in along with Lupa." Lupo said as Mia laid down as Lupo joined her having his paw around Mia "I'll keep you safe Mia, and even when my time has come I will always watch over you." Lupo said as Mia kissed him and they both ran off in the woods together as the sun was setting and the stars were coming out and so was the moon.

Lupo: It starts off so much fun, and I did not know. From far away I can see a red girl running.

Mia: Deep in the woods, I can find a wolf who loves me I ran away with him.

Lupo: Our meaning was (Mia: You and I) meet together on the spot to take the longer way around.

Lupo and Mia: I want to see you, I want to talk to you, I want to get to know you. You're beautiful to me, you're crazy to me; but our story has one ending, our bond is so strong, why does this have to be? who cares, the wolf who is in love with Little Red Riding Hood.

Lupo: I can see you do many things that I wish I can do, but I can not do anything except watch over you.

Mia: I walked down where I need to go, I can always see anything. I will always know that you are beside my side, and I can see you.

Lupo: My love (Mia: You'll see) my voice.

Lupo and Mia: Our only love will never be the same once we are apart,  I can't kill you, I can not hurt you, I can not hit you. But that is not how love works, the lovable you and the sweetest me, as long as we are together I can happy, I shall set love on the two of us, and it is just the two of us. We are never going to change.

Lupo: I want to kiss you, I want to love you, I want to hug you. You're so special to me I can not lose, I am always so caring, but our love is endless to see.

Lupo and Mia: Just seeing how many times, oh how many times? I prayed for you to come for all these years, but I love you no matter what happens to one of us. We're wolves that are in love, and the wolf who is in love with Little Red Riding Hood. I want to hold you in my arms when you cry, I will support our family someday, I will still love you no matter what you are or what you look like. Looks do not matter anymore, no matter if we struggle or not even with claws and fangs will always be there, when you want me I will be the other side of the tree. Always... 

Mia and Lupo kissed each other and they both fell asleep together on top of each other at the cottage, they were in love and no one can break the love between them.

(This song the wolf who fell in love with Little Red Riding Hood is a anime song so I edited the lyrics so this story stays up.)

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