Chapter 6

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In the dark dead woods on a few villages down the road from Mia's grandmother's cottage, there was a red eye crown who was flying to the red eyed wolf den where there was white wolves with red eyes, the black eyed wolf was the leader of the pack. He saw that the crow he send to see what Lupo was doing and wanted to find out for himself "Well?" the red eyed wolf asked looking down at the red eyed crow "I see Lupo hanging around the girl, she is not dead. He's hanging around her." the crow said, the red eyed black wolf who was named Cattivo slammed his paw down on the ground with the other red eyed wolves in anger "I wanted her dead!" Cattivo yelled, then he had another idea "Bring in Lupa, the sister of Lupo and my adoptive daughter." the red eyed wolves went to Lupa's bedroom in the den where she was looking at herself through the water "Lupa, Cattivo wants you." Lupa walked to see her angry father "Yes dad?" "How many times do I have to tell you, do not call me dad you bitch!" he swiped his paw at Lupa as she got hit in the face and blood was running down her face, his claws got her head with a scratch from his claws "What do you want master?" Lupa said almost starting to cry "Kill this girl with a red hood and cape, with hazel eyes and blonde hair. And also bring Lupo home. Now go on, before I hit you hard enough that you will never forget!" Lupa ran out of the den and ran from the dark dead woods to the beautiful nice forest.

Meanwhile at night Lupo was walking around in circles, Mia who was naked in her bed sheets looked to see Lupo who has been walking around in circles "You ok?" Mia asked as she stood up getting out of bed, Lupo has never seen a naked women before but he can tell that Mia is seeing that something was wrong "I have been hearing noises last night." "What noises have you been hearing?" asked Mia "I have heard footsteps around this cottage, rattling on the door, and even scratching sounds." Lupo replied "I am scared to sleep at night, because those noises will be back, I just know it." Mia had to do something to keep Lupo calm "You wanna sleep with me tonight? I sleep with my mom when I hear things that scare me and it calms me down." Mia asked "Sure." Lupo replied, Mia got into bed with bed sheets on her and Lupo laid down beside her with no bed sheets on "You don't use bed sheets?" Mia asked "I'm a wolf Mia, I have fur so I do not need a blanket." Lupo replied. Later on at night Lupo heard rattling noises, scratching sounds and footsteps, he shook Mia awake. When Mia woke up she rubbed her eyes and looked at Lupo "What is it?" she asked "I am hearing noises again, I think someone is spying on us." Mia got out of her bed sheets and put on her rope and her red hood with a cape, she grabbed her handgun as Lupo and her looked out from one of the windows "I don't see anyone."

"Well anyone might be somewhere near the house where we can not see them, but they can see us I think it is a ghost." Lupo said covering his face with his paws, Mia stepped on his tail causing him to yelp "Don't be a scaredy cat Lupo, there are no such things as ghost." Mia and Lupo heard the rattling from the door, they walked to the door, Mia was a little nervous to open the door. She opened the door and there was nothing at the front of it, she felt the wind blowing "It's just the wind blowing near the door, that is what was making all the rattling noises." Mia said, then there was scratching sounds "See I told you Mia, this place is haunted." "No it's not Lupo, my grandma used to joke about that." Mia said so she and Lupo walked to the back of the cottage to see Mia's grandma's tools, there was a pitchfork on the wall as the wind blow it was making the scratching sounds "It's the wind blowing making the pitchfork scratch at the wall, see it is not haunted." Mia said as she put the pitchfork in the shed "My grandma forgets to put certain things away, so sometimes when she does forget I do it for her." Mia said then there was footsteps but they were fast "I'm scared Mia, is that a ghost?" "I do not think so Lupo, there are no ghosts and I do not know who would be up this late at night, I am sure no one is up this late." Mia and Lupo walked back to the front of the cottage to see a squirrel who was running around "See Lupo, it is not a ghost. It's just a squirrel he must be out getting nuts to store for winter." Mia said "I should have known that all along."

"I'm sorry for stepping on your tail Lupo, just when these scary things go on I need you to be brave and strong." Mia said "I will try Mia, I will try." Lupo said as he and Mia went back inside the house, meanwhile in the dark dead forest which was a few villages away the red eyed black wolf was pacing back and forth "I have send Lupa to find her brother and kill that Little Red Riding bitch, and why is Lupa with Lupo not back yet?" the red eyed black wolf snarled "Master, you must stay calm, I am sure she'll be fine." said one of the wolves "I know she will! and if Lupa is not back within a few weeks. I will send, my red eyed crow to find them. Or maybe I can have Mia come to me with Lupo and Lupa I can kill that Little Red Riding bitch. But first we must have a plan, a great plan that I have ever come up with." Cattivo was getting his clan onto a plan to get Lupa and Lupo back and kill Mia.

Cattivo: I need help on this great plan, whoever can do this that is us! our red eyes are for evil, it's a daughter we are after, who loves the wolf. We're talking death and killing. Even you can not get anywhere closer. Be prepare for the blood and gore, and me ripping people apart, this is so gruesome that I really like it, our plan is to attack the village that Mia lives in and kill everyone in sight, this is what my pleasure is to be prepared.

Wolf 1: I love being prepared, for what?

Cattivo: To kill the village and Mia too.

Wolf 2: This is a great plan.

All wolf guards of Cattivo's pack: We're going to be ready to this fight, there's no one around to stop us.

Cattivo: I am aware of woodcutter people that takes us all down, but we will soon grow stronger, and we will take everyone one by one. YOU WILL NEVER GET AWAY FROM US! That is what we will say to the people of London, we'll be all prepared for the battle, it is life and death and even we will soon be able to take down those people, with our teeth and claws we swear. Be prepared.

All: Yes with our teeth and claws we swear, be prepared.

(This song be prepared is from The Lion King, but I edited the lyrics to the song so this story stays up.)

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