Chapter 3

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Mia skipped down the path in her cheery mood until she was finally at her grandma's house, but she stopped and she was in shock in horror. There was bloodstains on her front step, through her grandmother's window she could see bloodstains on the walls "I hope nothing bad has happened to grandma." Mia knocked on the door "Who is it?" the chocolate brown wolf changed his voice into a sweet old woman voice to make Mia think it was her grandmother "It's me grandma, Mia. Also known as Little Red Riding Hood." "Come on inside darling." Mia opened the door to step inside and closed the door behind her, she put her basket of goodies on the table and walked to her grandmother who is the wolf pretending to be her grandmother in bed "How are you feeling grandma?" Mia asked "I still am not well honey, I see you have brought some goodies for me." Mia can notice that it is the wolf and not her grandmother, she knew that the wolf was tricking her "Grandma, what big ears you have?" Mia asked, she notice the pointy ears "All the better to hear you with my dear." "Grandma, what big eyes you have." Mia said "All the better to see you with my dear." then Mia saw something that made her drag one of her hands into her pocket for the knife "Grandma, what big teeth you have." "The better to eat you with my dear." the chocolate brown wolf said as he jumped out of bed out of the grandmother's clothes, Mia pulled out the knife and backed away slowly "Stay back, I am warning you." the wolf swiped his paw which made Mia dropped the knife she held on the floor "No one is saving you now, hahaha. You are going to be safe with me." the chocolate brown wolf rubbed himself on Mia's legs, Mia grabbed her pistol from her basket and point it at the wolf "Please don't hurt me, if you do I will shoot you down." the chocolate brown wolf looked at Mia who was scared of wolves.

"Alright Little Red Riding Hood, I will not hurt you." Mia was not sure if the wolf was lying to her or not "How could I trust you, you lied to me and killed my own grandmother, how would I know that I could trust you?" Mia felt tears rolling down her cheek "I did not kill your grandmother and eat her, I was set up. I'll tell you the whole story but please put the gun down so we can do it the easy way." Mia put the gun back in her basket and looked at the wolf "Good girl, now let me explain myself." the wolf sat down as Mia, pulled up a chair from the table and sat down herself "I was set up by my master, he said to me to kill you." "And who is your master?" Mia asked "My master is the red eyed black wolf, he threatens to kill me if I don't do what I have been asked to do." the chocolate brown wolf said, it was a long story on how he was set up but the truth had to come out "He set this all up for me to kill you, but I am not going to kill you. He killed your grandmother, I'm so sorry, I couldn't stop him I tried." Mia began to cry, tears were rolling down her face as the wolf hang his head in sorrow "I tried to stop him, but I would be killed trying to protect you." "I understand..." Mia chocked a bit in her tears "But the thing is, I never got to say goodbye to her...I never even got a chance to see her one last time." the wolf felt like crying himself so he looked at Little Red Riding Hood and patted her knee with his paw.

"I know how hard, sad and how upsetting it is, to lose a family member." the chocolate brown wolf opened the door "I'll give you some alone time to grief, I will be back to check on you in a while." the wolf left Mia alone in her grandmother's house to grief about her grandmother being killed by the chocolate brown wolf's master who did not care about family at all, meanwhile back in the village it was getting late, the sun was setting and Kate who is Mia's mother was getting dinner all ready for Mia for when she is home "Mia has been gone for a while, I thought she would be back from her grandmother's house a while ago." then the farrier's wife showed up "Hello Kate, where is Mia? I saw her this morning, should she be back by now?" "That is what I am worried about, Mia in her red hood and cape has been gone for a while. I hope nothing bad has happened to her." Kate said as she placed all dinner table dishes on the table "I am sure she will be ok, she's a strong lady at age 20 years old." the farrier's wife who was invited to dinner sat down as the farrier walked in who was also invited to dinner "I am worried about my daughter, you know with mothers worried about their kids." Kate sat down "What if my daughter met a wolf on the way?" "A wolf?" the farrier's wife almost fainted "A wolf?" the farrier asked "We are not scared of those beasts, I am sure Mia was capable of fighting them off." Kate sighed in sadness "Those wolves killed John, I hope Mia did not get killed by one is what I am worried about." "Nonsense Kate, she'll be fine, maybe her grandma wanted her to spend the night with her so she is not lonely when she is sick." the farrier said as Kate brought some vegetable soup for everyone at the table to eat along with some bread and butter and milk "Maybe she'll be home tomorrow or something, I sure hope they're ok."

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