Chapter 2

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12 years later and Mia is now 20 years old wearing her red cape with a hood one day, and since that day Mia was called Little Red Riding Hood. Mia did her morning chores and then walked back into the house to relax on her couch, a half a hour later, Mia's mother packed a basket with buns, a bottle of milk and some biscuits "Little Red Riding Hood, take this basket to grandma's house, she isn't feeling well." Kate passed the basket to Mia "Ok mom, I will be back." "Mia, I know that you are old enough to go in the woods on your own. But please be safe, do not go off the path and please be careful." Kate said "I will mom." Mia packed herself a gun and a knife as she walked out of her house, she skipped down the road in her village to pass by the bakery "I am sure grandma will love some cookies." Mia bought the cookies from the bakery, then she skipped along to a farmer's market that is going on, she bought nice fruits and veggies for her grandmother. A farmer notice Mia as Little Red Riding Hood "Hello Mia, how are you today?" he asked as Mia paid for the food that she wanted to get for her grandmother "I'm good farmer, my grandma is not feeling well today, so I am getting nice fruits and veggies for her." "I am sure she will like them." the farmer told Mia as she waved goodbye to the farmer and went to the signs which they were near the woods. Then she skipped down the path into the woods, it was a long way to go to her grandmother's house, but she enjoyed it. Then she saw pretty flowers on the edge of the path, she remembered by her mother not to go off the path "Maybe I will just stay close to the path while I pick flowers," she thought to herself "That way I will not be far off of the path." Mia went off the path to pick some nice flowers, she went furrier down to pick more flowers. Not noticing where Mia was, she was lost.

"Oh dear," Mia said "I wish I should have listened to my mother, something bad could happen if I do not leave right a way." Mia then remembered what her mother told her if she ever did got lost "I know what my mom have told me if I ever did get lost, I stay where I am and someone will find me." Mia sat on a tree stump, her stomach growled with hunger, Mia rubbed her stomach to smooth the hunger pains with her right hand "Maybe I should have a few cookies, I am sure that will fill my tummy up til I get to grandma's." Mia pulled some cookies from her basket and ate them, then she could not see or hear anyone in the woods "Maybe I should try to go back the way I came, it does help me sometimes." Mia walked back the way she came to find the path, but she could never have find the path. She was lost, she looked around the woods seemed scary to her. Then she heard cracks of sticks cracking under feet, she then looked around "Hello? who's there?" Mia was nervous, but she had to keep her guard up, she then saw a chocolate brown wolf with big pointy ears and long sharp teeth "What are you doing here all alone?" the wolf scared Mia which Mia jumped and fell backwards as the wolf was closer to the Little Red Riding Hood "I was on the path, heading to...M-my grandmother's house." Mia gulped, she had never seen a wolf before and she always wanted to see one.

"And why are you, doing here all alone?" the wolf asked, Mia had to be brave even is she was a little scared of the wolf "I was picking flowers for my grandma, but then I got lost and now I do not know where I am." "It's ok young one, I can help you get back on the path, just follow me." Mia followed the wolf and she was soon back on the path where she left off to pick flowers for her grandmother "I can take you to grandma's if you'd like." "That will be nice thank you." Mia and the wolf started walking, after a few seconds Mia looked to see that the wolf was nowhere in sight "Where did he go?" Mia wondered where did the chocolate brown wolf had gone, but she decided to skip down the road to her grandma's house, she saw beautiful butterflies flying around and even pretty flowers that were standing out nice, Mia then saw a weird looking  ring on the ground. She picked it up and looked to see a buck who saw the wolf with Mia, he was trying to warn her about the fact that wolves are dangerous "Don't be silly Mr. Deer, I am sure he is not dangerous." Mia smiled as she walked past the buck, the bunnies warned her and even the raccoons and squirrels tired to warn Mia about the danger of wolves.

Mia: I am standing on the path or the woods, not knowing what could be in the woods? I wish, I can be a true fighter like any other girls even I am a daddy's girl. But I do not see how I could be a fighter or not why I can't, I am who I meant to be. See the woods standing near me in front of me, it calls me. And no one knows, how much I know, I know about wolves so no one else knows, one day I will love one. Just like I do now of days, my mother says they're dangerous so Mia, do not ever go near one. I know, she is only trying to keep me safe from danger, but now that I am 20 years old, I can handle on my own. I do not care what people think, I do not care what they say or what they do, whatever I do is in my discussion, what is up with my head?

See the woods standing near me in front of me, it calls me. And no one knows, how much I know, I know about wolves so no one else knows, one day I will love one. But I do not care what anyone thinks and say that I am crazy. See the woods standing near me in front of me, it calls me. And no one knows, how much I know, I know about wolves so no one else knows, one day I will love one. I want to know what a wolf is.

Mia then notice she was back on the path where she left when she wondered into the forest while picking flowers for her grandmother, meanwhile at the grandma's house where the chocolate brown wolf was, there was also another wolf, he was bigger than the chocolate brown wolf, he had red eyes and his fur was tar black "Now I will kill the grandmother, and you will pretend to be the grandmother and then, you will kill Little Red Riding Hood. By pretending to be her grandma, and once she notices you. Kill her." "But master, she's really nice..." the chocolate brown wolf said "If you do not do as I say, I will kill her and you too." the big black wolf said as the chocolate brown wolf gulped and nodded his head, the big black wolf decide to trick the grandmother into thinking that the black wolf is Little Red Riding Hood, the black wolf knocked at the door "Who is it?" the grandmother asked in bed, the black wolf changed his voice into a sweet adult woman voice "This is Mia, grandma. Also known as Little Red Riding Hood, I have heard you are not feeling well, so I have bought you things from the market." "Come in Mia, I would love to see you." Grandmother said as the black wolf walked in and killed the grandmother having bloodstained walls inside and a bloodstained floor near the front door, the black wolf ate the grandmother and walked back out with bloodstained teeth "Now you go in and kill Little Red Riding Hood when she gets here, she's in for a real treat." the black wolf ran off far into the woods as the chocolate brown wolf walked into the grandmother's house and dressed up to pretend to be Mia's grandmother and climbed into bed after he closed the door.

(The song I used and changed the lyrics is based on How Far I'll go from the new 2016 Disney movie Moana, so this story stays up)

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