vi // what happend // vi

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                                                    finns pov

It has been a very interesting day at school so far. Everyone has been staring at the huge cut on my face, luckily, no one has asked me about it.  I was in the cafeteria looking for an empty table to sit at when I saw Millie waving to me. She was sitting with a few girls who I assumed are her friends. 

I was debating on whether I should go over to Millie's table or just keep walking and pretend like I didn't see her wave. I knew that Millie or one of her friends would ask me about my face. There was no way I could tell them the truth and I didn't want to lie to Millie.

'I guess I'll just have to lie to them'

I thought to myself as I walked towards Millie's table without hurrying. As I got closer to the table, I could see the horrific look on their faces. 

"Uhh, hi" I said shyly as I took a seat next to Millie. I tried to look down so the mark on my face wouldn't be so visible.

"Ehm, hey. Finn, I'd like you to meet Sadie and Maddie." Millie said introducing me to her friends. I could tell she was trying to act like she didn't notice my fucked up face.

"Hi, I'm Sadie. What happend to your face?"

"Sadie! That was pretty damn rude." Millie exclaimed. 

"It's fine. I um I fell down." I'm pretty sure they knew I was lying, but atleast they didn't know the truth.

"Yeah, of course." Maddie stated sarcastically.

"So Finn, do you want to do something after school?" Millie questioned. The other girls just looked at her like she was insane.

"Uh, no than-" 

"How about tomorrow?" Millie interupted before I could decline. Even though Millie and I were technically friends, we don't really know eachother very well. 

"Fine. Where do you live?" 

She wrote out her address on a piece of paper from her science notebook. Even though I don't enjoy socializing with people, I was looking forward to hanging out with Millie.

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