xlv // outro // xlv

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As you already know, I am Finn Wolfhard. I'm from a small town in the middle of no where. There isn't much to do in the town of Mihnge, but it's a great place to live. Come to think of it, everything is great for me.

 But it wasn't always like that. There was a time in my life when I thought of ending it all. I had no friends, my mom was abusive, and everything just seemed so heavy. It was like there was no purpose to my life.

  Before I knew it, she had smashed her bottle across my face. I yelped in pain as I fell backwards onto the floor. I quickly jumped to my feet and ran to my room as fast as I knew how. I slammed the door behind me and locked it. I held my face in pain as I walked into my bathroom, in the mirror I could see blood covering the left side of my face.    

I still have a scar from that encounter with my mother. I really miss her. She hurt me so much, but at the end of the day, she's still my mom. And I do love her.

My life started to get better the day Millie first talked to me. I'm still not sure why she came over and talked to me. I guess she did it because she could tell I needed help. From the moment we met, I knew we had a connection.

  As I did my homework, I couldn't stop thinking about the girl that talked to me at lunch today. She had been on my mind ever since I got home from school. How am I supposed to do my alegbra when I have so many unawnsered questions about this girl. I just want to know why someone like Millie would want to talk to someone like me.  

I remember the days I would dream about the possibility of Millie being my girlfriend. And well now we're going to be together until death. Millie pretty much saved my life. I know for a fact that I wouldn't be here if she hadn't talked to me on that one fateful day. Everytime we kiss, I fall in love with her all over again. It's the best feeling I've ever felt. 

I've said it once and I'll say it again. Millie saved my life.  She was the first person to ever truly love me. And I know for a fact that she will always love me. 

We will always love eachother.

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