vii // special // vii

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                                                millies pov

Today is the day Finn is coming over. I'm really looking forward to it, there is something unique about him. He's different from my other friends, he isn't a judgemental asshole. He's kind and humble and sweet and pretty cute. Damn it, I shouldn't be thinking these things, I barely know him.

I went into my bathroom to start getting ready. I put on a light layer of makeup and some lipstick. I was walking out of my bathroom when I was greeted by my older brother Charlie.

"What are you going to do today?" He questioned.

"I'm gonna do something with a friend today." I replied.

"Which friend?" He asked

"Uh, you don't know him. His name is Finn" I said sheepishly. I knew my brother would end up teasing me about hanging out with a guy.

"Aww, does my sister have a boyfriend?" My prediction was correct. He started making kissing noises, I just rolled my eyes and walked away.

After about fifteen minutes of just pacing the floor and waiting for Finn, I heard finally heard the doorbell ring, it felt like I had been waiting forever.. I almost tripped over a rug in the dining room as I scurried to anwser the door. I twisted the knob and pulled the door open to greet Finn.

"Hi Finn" I said as I stepped outside onto the porch, closing the door behind me.

"Uh, hello." He replied shyly as he stared down at his feet. We stood there in dead quiet for about a minute until Finn broke the silence.

"So, um did you have anything planned?" I didn't really have any plans, I was hoping that Finn would suggest something.

" There is a drugstore down the street, we could go get ice cream if you want." I asked. He nodded. We began to walk to the drugstore. We were about a fourth of the way there when Finn suddenly stopped walking. He faced me and began to speak,

"Why are you being so nice to me?" He said.

"Because we're friends, of course." I replied.

"But, you're popular and cool and I'm just a failure at everything." I was a bit shocked at his words. Why on earth would Finn think he's a failure? He's anything but a failure.

"Finn, you're not a failure. You're amazing. We've only known eachother for a week, but its felt like years. You're likeable and friendly and handsome." I slightly blushed at the last word that came out of my mouth.

"Uh, t-thanks." Finn smiled and we began walking again. There is definitely something special about this boy, I can tell.

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