ii // freak // ii

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                                                       millies pov

It has been a normal  day at school. I had a math test which I most likely failed, me and my friends gossiped about a girl with a ponytail whom we've never met, all the normal stuff. 

It was lunchtime and I was sitting with my friend group at our normal table, when I saw a boy who looked to be about my age sitting in the corner alone. He wore a blue sweat shirt with ripped black jeans. He had curly hair and cheekbones made of steel. He was pretty cute. I've never seen him before, well, maybe I have. I can't quite remember.

"Uhh, guys?" I said after I took a bite out of my perfectly rippened tangerine.

"Yeah Millie?" my friend Sadie replied. Sadie and I have been best friends since the sixth grade. We met one afternoon during recess and have been friends from that moment on.

"who is that? I've never seen him around before." I questioned pointing toward the curly haired boy in the corner.

"He's a weirdo. I think his name is Finn Doghard or something like that. He never talks to anyone and no one ever talks to him. Nobody really knows anything about him." Sadie awnsered as she shoved a handful of pretzels in her mouth.

"Maybe he just needs a friend." I suggested. Apparently it wasn't a very good suggestion, my friends just stared at me like I was insane. I do love my friends but they can be pretty stuck up at times. 

"Are you crazy? What if he's a fucking psycho?" said Maddie with her eyes wide open. She was always the type of girl to judge people before knowing anything about them.

"I  think I'll go talk to him." I stated shyly as I stood up. My friends sat there in an awkward silence as I began to walk slowly over to the boy in the corner. I practiced what I was going to say to him in my head, I wanted to make a good first impression. I didn't want him to think I was dumb.

"Hi, do you mind if I sit here?" I asked. The boy jolted in surprise, he nearly spilled his tray of food onto his lap.

 "W-w-why would you w-want to sit here?" he said nervously. He acted like I was there to assassinate him.

"You looked a bit lonely, I thought I'd give you some company." I awnsered as I took a seat across from him. He didn't reply, he just stared down at his lap.

"I'm Millie, what's your name?" I asked trying to make conversation.

He shyly looked up and said "I-I'm Finn." I don't know if I've ever met anyone this anxious.

"Are you uhh, I mean, I like your accent". He stated in a bashful manner. I slightly giggled as his compliment. It seemed like he was starting to warm up to me, atleast he was talking.

"Thanks" I retorted. "Maybe we could hang out sometime?" Finn seemed like a nice guy, not to mention he's pretty attractive.

"Uhh, no. I don't think so"

Before I could say reply, the bell rang. Finn jumped up from his seat and rushed into the sea of people. All I could do was hope I'd see him again tomorrow.

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