xiii // i might // xiii

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finns pov

"I was wondering you might possibly like to go out sometime, like as a date?"

I could barely believe the words that were coming out of her mouth. It was insane to think that a girl like Millie would actually want to go out with a guy like me. I stood there in shock for a moment. My hands were shaking as I slowly opened my mouth to give her my response.

"No. I uh I-I'm sorry."

He entire body drooped when she heard my answer. Though, she still had a small grin on her face.

"It's ok. I unde-" Before she could finish I turned around and began to walk away. I felt like I was going to fucking cry.

I didn't reject her offer cause I dislike her. I rejected it because I think I might love her and I would never want to do anything to possibly hurt her. Her reputation is suffering with us being just friends. The assholes at school point at her and whisper "there's the girl who is friends with the freak!". If we were an item, she'd probably have no friends left. All because of me.

After about twenty minutes of walking as fast as I could, I arrived at my junkyard of a home. I walked inside and ran straight to my room. Thank goodness my mom wasn't home, I didn't want to have to deal with her at the current time.

I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes. I just thought about things for awhile.

Why did Millie even have to introduce herself to me? Why couldn't she have just ignored me like everyone else? I eventually came to the conclusion that she talked to me because she's the sweetest, kindest, most beautiful person that I've ever met. I wiped a tear off my cheek as I rolled over onto my stomach and pressed my face into my pillow.

I hope I didn't completely fuck up our friendship, cause I truly think that I might love her.

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