xviii // shopping // xviii

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sadies pov

"How does this look?" I asked as I held up a dark blue top.

Millie, Maddie, and I had went shopping. It's sort of a tradition with the three of us, we usually go out shopping every Saturday.

"I don't like it. That's not a good color for you." Millie replied.

"It's on sale." I retorted while looking at the price tag.

"Y'know, I think that color would look really good on you. I'd take it." Millie said trying to hold back her laughter. I chuckled and put the shirt back on the rack.

We walked around the bustling mall looking for good deals. After awhile, Maddie started to bitch and moan cause she was hungry and was starting to get a headache. So we decided to stop at the food court and get something to eat. We ended up ordering hamburgers and milkshakes

"So Millie, where were you last night?" Maddie asked as she chewed loudly on her food.

Millie's eyes widended. She suddenly look liked she was going to be sick.

"I had a uh, a date." She said shyly. Her face slowly started to turn a pinkish red.

I was personally a bit surprised. Millie never really paid much attention to boys. I guess you never can tell.

"With who?" I questioned. I hope she didn't feel like I was invading her privacy.

"Um, I think you've seen him around before. His name is Finn."

Maddie dropped her burger in her lap and nearly choked on her milkshake. Her eyes got as wide as they could possibly get. Her mouth hung open, I think she was trying to say something but nothing was coming out.

"Millie... what the actual fuck?" Maddie finally said.

I just sat there and didn't say anything. I don't really see anything wrong with Finn, but I didn't want Maddie to know that.

"Maddie I really like him. He's really sweet once you g-" Before Millie could finish, Maddie cut her off.

"Save it Millie. If you want to hang out with that fucking psycho, that's fine with me." Maddie scoffed as she got up and walked away from our table.

"It's ok Mills. You don't need her." I said trying to comfort Millie.

"Thanks a lot Sadie"

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