The Winter's Ball

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I didn't know it would happen so fast.
I didn't know I would meet the love of my life... and to be honest, I wasn't ready to.
He was tall, with dark hair and eyes that drew you in as if you didn't have a choice.
His name was Lafayette.

The Ball

The ball was loud, and I had edged away from Eliza as she wandered aimlessly, staring at Alexander... I could see Angelica wasn't very happy about it either. Me, being Peggy, I was ignored. Which I don't mind, however. Again, me being Peggy, I headed over to the table that was covered in dozens of silver lined trays with delicious chocolate sweets covering each one. I might have grabbed two... or maybe 5. I stuffed 4 into the top of my corset.

Maybe it was doom, to be caught by someone.. 'A woman should be polite, sit straight and have manners.' No. Instead, I was caught with a laugh... with a French accent. "You must have quite ze' appetite, Madmoiselle."

I turned around to see a tall, rather handsome man with a scruffy chin and fluffy brown hair tied up in a ponytail. There was something about the light orange hue that the ballroom was giving off that made the man's face more attractive than most. "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. Je m'appelle Lafayette. And you, madame?" He reached for my hand, lowering down to kiss the back of my palm. No man has ever really done this to me... I felt my cheeks turning scarlet. "I- oh, I'm Peggy. Peggy Schuyler." My words sounded slightly staggered in my own head. After Lafayette had backed away he slowly spoke, "Ah, A Schuyler. I can already see your sisters vighting' over Hamilton," he smirked. "Well, they're still fond of each other, and that's what counts." I claimed. He said, "If I were Hamilton, I would leave Eliza and Angelica alone. But, Hamilton... he will never be satisfied." He smiled, and I started to talk. "I've never met Alexander. Is he as great as they say?" Lafayette laughed. "No, of course not! He is resilient, but not great. We haven't even fought the war yet, so I cannot really see why he is so appreciated." I smirked and giggled, claiming, "Maybe he's just thought as great around the other women because of his looks." Lafayette looked at me closely, a bright smile on his face. "Then if that was the case, you would be very, very popular around the men."

Flirting, ok...

"You would
be too." I chuckled. "Oh my, it's ten already!" I glanced at the clock. "I must be on my way quite soon..."
He responded in his strong French accent, "Well, it was a pleasure to have your time, ma aime. My cheeks were crimson. "Oh, yours too."
He smiled and said, "Your presence is inoubliable, madame. Maybe we should meet up again some time?" It happened so fast.. "Of course! Uh, I mean... Yeah." I stammered. "Wonderful! Ve' shall see each other again. Au Revior, duox ange!" And then... he walked away.

I came home that night with a heart full of love.

Well! First fanfiction ever... I hope you guys like it! I'll probably write much longer chapters, though, so don't worry! I don't know when I'm publishing the next chapter, but I will. Au Revior!

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