Sunset to Dawn

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My face turned scarlet, as Lafayette's hand took mine. Of course, the park wasn't very far away, but we walked the long way there. Around the Washington household, and just a block away from the Jefferson's. Thomas Jefferson's house hasn't been touched in five years, so it was kind of... spooky, you could say. We walked past it quickly.

Lafayette's small talk was comforting. "France is beautiful, I tell you... the endless fields of lavender and wheat are like staring at a painting. I wish I could take you there some day..."

He smiled.

"Well, Lafayette, maybe I will see it some day..." I said. He frowned, saying, "It's not like that anymore. The fields are stained with blood now- but never mind that." He seemed to ignore my questions about France.

We took a quick corner, my dress almost getting caught on a thorn bush on the side of the old stone path. Before we knew it, we were both greeted with a secluded garden. The flowers were purple and white, and a tree stood in the middle, keeping a nice shade on the both of us. The sun was almost about to touch the horizon, which was the sea in this case. The garden had a great view of the Manhattan tide. The only sound you could hear was the quiet splash of water and a few small robins tweeting to each other. We sat down against the tree.

"So, I was wondering, Lafayette... do you wonder if America'll make it? Through the war?" He turned to me, his hazel eyes meeting mine again. "I know my friends will pursue. I don't know if we'll live, but we'll die for America..." I leaned against his shoulder, as my hair blew in the wind.


"WHERE IS PEGGY!?" Eliza screamed.

"Relax, Eliza... she's with Lafayette." Angelica said calmly.

"Oh." They both smiled at each other.


Lafayette began to wrap one of his arms around my waist. He pulled me a bit tighter to his side. I smiled. He turned to me. "Are you cold, my belle lys?" I turned to him, as he started to take off his jacket. "No, I'm fine. You're warm enough." I leaned against him, as he sighed and set his jacket on the soft grass. At this point, the sun was a quarter past the horizon. The ocean had reflected its light around us, as if the sunbeams were bright enough. "The sun is almost as gorgeous as you, Peggy." I smirked, remarking, "Well, I was about to say the same thing to you, but you said it first. Bummer, huh?" He laughed. His chuckle was low, kind of intimidating. He pulled out his hair tie, and for a second I thought he looked like Thomas Jefferson. Nah.

I slipped off my heels, as the sun hit the halfway mark past the horizon. Now the sky was almost looked like night, but also a beautiful reflection of fire fading into the clouds. The silence was okay, because we didn't need to say anything. It was just me, him, and nature. Lafayette sighed, "Are you ready for a baiser, my dear?" I smiled, having no idea what that was. "Uh... sure, whatever that may be." He smiled... I had a feeling I knew what it was, but I wouldn't mind that either. Lafayette turned to me, as he reached his hand to my cheek. He ran it down my hair, until he had reached my waist. Pulling me closer, I closed my eyes. I thought to myself, saying, No! Don't do this! , but in reality, I had nothing to lose. Well- maybe one thing, but I'm not losing that any time soon. It seemed like hours until I felt his lips press against mine. His kiss wasn't harsh or rough... it was just soft, like touching a rose petal. I felt his hands run through my hair. He wasn't untying my corset, which some men would've done... (Hercules Mulligan, Up in it, Love'in it, yes I heard yo' mother say "Come Again?"). In the corner of my eye, I noticed the sun had been almost gone, completely past the horizon. Time flies when you're in love, right?

Eventually, Lafayette loosened up, leaving me in a bit of a daze.

"Pretty good for a first kiss, I guess." It's true, this was my first kiss. It's not really that surprising if you think about it.

"First kiss? My god, you poor thing. I'd thought you'd been kissed many times before." He laughed. I laughed with him. We laughed, and talked for a while, as I rested upon his shoulder. I yawned a few times, before we had both fallen asleep.


"She's still not home..." Eliza began to worry again.

"Peggy'll be fine. Lafayette's a good man, he's almost like Alexander..." Angelica smiled at the thought of Hamilton.

"Oh... by the way, Angelica, Alexander... we've gotten quite close to each other." Eliza was also smiling at the thought of the man.


I opened my eyes. It was early morning, now. Lafayette had been up for a while, he said to me. We both stood up and smiled at each other, as he walked me home. He wrapped his arm around my waist, after he put his hair back up. I slipped my shoes back on as we both stood up. "You must be tired, mademoiselle."

"Yeah." I yawned again, as we both walked up to my house.

"Well, it was a pleasure having you, Peggy." He kissed the back of my palm as I giggled, still sorta exhausted. "I guess I'll see you around, Lafayette." She turned around ready to open the door.

"Oh, Peggy! I just wanted to say... I love you." I turned around, before noticing he had ran up to me, kissing me once again. It was short, but wonderful. I smiled. "Love you too."


"Alexander, it was wonderful! I love her so much..." Lafayette's eyes were still full of the memory of her wonderful laugh and quiet snore.

"Speaking of love..." Alexander seemed uneasy.

"I'm going to marry Eliza."

Well, I hope you all liked the chapter... The next chapter will be longer, too. Please review!

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