The Engagement

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   "It's been all night! Where were you!?" Eliza scowled.
"W-with Lafayette..." I managed to stammer out words.
"Did you two-" I cut her off. "No! Eliza, you have such dirty thoughts.." she sighed.
"So you just hung out?"
"You're going to marry Eliza? When?"
Lafayette urged Alexander to tell him.
"Tonight, I'm going to ask her father for her blessing. Then... I'll ask her to marry me, right after."
"A bit eager, Hamilton?"
Alexander sighed, as Lafayette laughed.
"Ha, we actually might be related some day, then."
"Eliza, Angelica, are you almost ready? The carriage is here!" I yelled down the sister's hallway to their rooms. They both rushed out of the door and to the carriage, helping their father in. 
He spoke, his words clear.
"I have a feeling tonight's going to a big night for you all."
Philip Schuyler had noticed that Alexander had a thing for Eliza, so he prepared to let him become a part of the family. Sure, he was a troublesome man, but love is love.

I sighed. "Do you think I'll see Lafayette tonight?" Her sisters sighed, Angelica remarking, "Of course he will, he's basically Alexander's right hand man."

The Ball

I saw him, standing by Hamilton. I rushed over, picking up my dress so I could hurry. "Lafayette, it's great to see you again."  Alexander turned to me. "So you must be the little unspoken Schuyler, eh?"
And you must be the son of a whore everyone is talking about, eh?
That's what I wanted to say.
"Peggy. Peggy Schuyler."
"Alexander Hamilton. Pleasure to meet you." He kissed my hand, as Lafayette said, "Getcho' hands off of h- uh, I mean-"
Alexander laughed. "Alright, Alright!" He stepped up and walked to
my father, away from us.

"Sorry, I get over-protective at times."
Lafayette sighed...
I laid my hand on his shoulder. "It's fine... better than someone who doesn't care, heh."
I noticed the treat table...
"This is where we met."
Lafayette laughed. "Where you stuffed food into your corset."
I hushed him.
"Shhh, my sister's still don't know-"
There was a scream heard from the other side of the ballroom.
We all turned, to see what the hell happened, but it wasn't bad...
"Of course!" Eliza wrapped her hands around Alexander.
I walked over to them with Lafayette.
"Eliza, what happened?"
There was no need for a word, as Alexander slipped on a rather nice ring onto her left hand...
"Oh my god, you just got married!"
The look on Angelica's face was hiding grief. "Congratulations, Eliza..."
On our way home, I saw Angelica shed a few tears, silently. Eliza turned to me.
"Can you believe it? I just got engaged.... it happened so soon! I can't wait to go live uptown, in a quiet park-"
Angelica sighed.
"That's not going to happen, Eliza. He has to go to war. He has to fight for our country's freedom. He may come home alive, or dead."
The ride home was quiet since Angelica said that. No one spoke a word.
Alexander tapped his foot in the carriage. "She said yes... what now? When will the wedding be? How many kids will we ha-" Laurens interrupted him. "Calm down! We still have a war to get to." Alexander sighed. Lafayette butted in. "Plus, Burr won't be very happy when he hears that you just got married, right before the war." Alexander scowled. "Who cares what Burr thinks, he's cheating with Theodosia. He can't say a thing."
The Next Morning
"Angelica, me and Alexander are headed to the park." Eliza said, as she shut the door behind her. That left me alone with my own thoughts. Eliza didn't know Angelica was off in the city, on her own guilt trip. I wonder if Lafayette was free. I didn't want to go out myself, but hey, I didn't have anything to lose.

I stepped outside. I wondered, where did Lafayette live anyway? Well, I better go ask someone.
I rushed up to the small bakery on the corner of the street. "Excuse me, do you happen to know where Hamilton lives?" The baker sighed, saying in a rough tone, "Up the street, make a left. Then, take a right and he'll be in the house in the top left."
"Thank you, sir!" The only thing I got back was a grunt and a low "You're welcome." I started to head up the street.
Something grabbed my wrist. "Uh-" I turned around... thank goodness, it was Lafayette. "Oh! I was looking for you..." I smirked, saying, "I was looki-" He caught my eye and kissed me, as he set his hand on my waist, pulling me into a nearby alleyway. I paused. "In public?" He smiled, letting go of me. "Right, Right... heh."

"So, Eliza and Alexander..." he said, scratching the back of his neck.
"-Are at the park. No one's home at my house." He smiled, as we both headed out of the alley. I hopped over a puddle of mud, as Lafayette took hold of my hand. The walk home was silent.
"Well, here we are." I opened the door. "Huh, it's actually quiet, for once..." I grunted. Lafayette hummed to himself, as we both sat down on the couch. He asked, "So, when do you think Eliza and Alexander's wedding will be?"
I smiled. "Probably very soon... Eliza really loves Alexander." He stared at the ground. "Yeah, well, the war's coming fast... he'd better get the wedding over with, y'know?" His sentence seemed to have a sense of gloominess hanging over it. "Right... right..." I paused. "You want something to eat?" Lafayette smirked, "What do you think?" I nodded and headed to the kitchen.  I took a look out of the window. It had started to sprinkle, so I decided to go ahead and start dinner, seeing that Alexander would probably walk Eliza home. I talked to Lafayette through the kitchen. "So, how's the gang? Hercules and Laurens and stuff?" I heard his muffled voice through the walls. "Eh, they're a bit on edge, since Washington came. Charles Lee... god damnit, he's such a prick. Washington is considering giving him a bigger role in the force, but he says that decision won't be made until a few years." He sighed, continuing, "So, what's for dinner?" I had grabbed a few things from the pantry. "Uh, soup. If you haven't noticed, it's raini-" I heard a loud knock on the door. "I'll get it..." Lafayette said, as he headed to the door. "Alexander, what are you doing h-" Eliza was standing next to him, Alexander's jacket covering her head. She smiled. "Uh, hello, Lafayette. Can you maybe let us in...?" He moved out of the way. Alexander sighed. "Well, I better be headed back, you can kee-" Eliza stopped him. "No, no, it's fine. Please, you can stay for dinner." There was a pause. "Looks like we're having soup."  Alexander smiled. "Oh, alright."
Eliza hung up the coat, as Lafayette walked back into the kitchen. "How long on dinner?" I sighed, turning around. I wiped my hands on a cloth. "About an hour." I took off the apron I had on, hanging it up on a door rack. "I can get us something to drink." I opened the pantry door, grabbing a few beers from the rack. Why do we have these? Oh yeah, it's for Angelica whenever she's started her monthly... hope she doesn't mind me taking a few... I cracked the bottles open, handing one to Lafayette. I headed to the living room, offering up one to Alexander. He took one. I'd noticed a bit of makeup powder on Alexander's neck. I turned to Eliza, smiling. She looked confused. "What?"
Well, that's it for this week. Sorry it's late, I'm a bit busy and I've been having writer's block and just- GAHH.
Sorry this chapter is a bit of trash but that's ok. See ya next time.

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